The Skopje Green City Action Plan – developing a city for citizens or for decision makers?
July 29, 2019
The preparation of the Skopje Green City needs to be transparent and to include citizens and civil society in a meaningful way from the early stages of planning.
For the third year in a row, the European Commission asks Romania to stop big polluters
July 29, 2019
The European Commission’s July 2019 infringements package list [1] prominently features Romania. The country is called out for its industrial installations operating without an environment permit and “a systemic failure to monitor air pollution”.
Pollution: if emergency becomes routine in Bosnia / Bosnia Herzegovina / Areas / Homepage – Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa
July 26, 2019
One a few days after the other, two independent reports show the extremely serious level of industrial pollution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to activists, the inefficiency of old plants combines with that of institutions, which provide incompl
Belgrade incinerator: Serbia to be a dumping ground for outdated technology?
July 22, 2019
The Serbian Ministry of Environment recently published the environmental assessment for the planned Vinča waste incinerator for public consultation. But the study shows no sign that the new plant would be in line with new EU pollution control standards approved in June.
Ana Colovic Lesoska: environmental campaigner from North Macedonia – Geographical Magazine
July 16, 2019
Ana led a seven year campaign to cut off funding for two hydropower plants inside Mavrovo National Park in North Macedonia protecting the habitat of the lynx Source: Ana Colovic Lesoska: environmental campaigner from North Macedonia – Geographical Maga
Let the sunshine in, say civil society groups
July 10, 2019
Eight civil society organisations last week submitted proposals for a revamp of Serbia’s renewables support scheme to the Ministry of Energy and Mining. Source: Let the sunshine in, say civil society groups
Balkan Activists Plan Week of Protests Against Hydro-Power | Balkan Insight
July 4, 2019
Mladen Lakic Source: Balkan Activists Plan Week of Protests Against Hydro-Power | Balkan Insight
Complaint submitted against North Macedonia over small hydropower
July 3, 2019
North Macedonia’s incentives system subjects solar photovoltaic (PV) producers and most wind producers, but not small hydropower plants, to auctions. Source: Complaint submitted against North Macedonia over small hydropower
Slovak government approves Just Transition plan for Upper Nitra
July 3, 2019
The Slovak government is today approving a plan for Upper Nitra’s transition away from coal, which was created based on inputs from the local community.
Pollution caused 136 Premature Deaths in adults in Tuzla in 2018 – Sarajevo Times
June 27, 2019
CEE Bankwatch Network and the Center for Ecology and Energy have therefore undertaken independent monitoring in Tuzla of coarse dust particles known as PM10. “Together with the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), we have also calculated the health