OZBILJNA KRITIKA IZ EVROPE: “BiH će morati dekarbonizirati svoju privredu da bi se pridružila EU”
December 9, 2019
Jedna od vodećih evropskih televizija Euronews objavila je prilog o BiH kao zemlji u kojoj je profit dobiven iz termoelektrana na ugalj važniji od zdravlja građana.OZBILJNA KRITIKA IZ EVROPE: “BiH će morati dekarbonizirati svoju privredu da bi se pridr
Nevladniki ostro nad banke, ki z milijardami financirajo termoelektrarne
December 6, 2019
Banke so v zadnjih treh letih podjetjem, ki načrtujejo vzpostavitve novih termoelektrarn, priskočile na pomoč s 745 milijardami dolarjev, je razvidno iz poročila nevladnih organizacij, ki ob tem banke pozivajo, naj nehajo financirati ta sektor.
Trading profit for health: exploring Bosnia’s toxic relationship with coal
December 6, 2019
In Europe, there is still a place where coal is transported by a steam locomotive: the Banovići mine in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Trading profit for health: exploring Bosnia’s toxic relationship with coal
December 6, 2019
Source: Trading profit for health: exploring Bosnia’s toxic relationship with coal
Nevladine udruge iz BiH upozorile NLB na spornu termocentralu Tuzla 7 u BiH
December 4, 2019
Više nevladinih udruga iz Bosne i Hercegovine upozorilo je upravu Nove Ljubljanske banke (NLB) na kontroverznost odluke da ta banka u konzorciju s bankom Intesa Sanpaolo i ruskom Sberbankom sa 75 milijuna eura kreditira gradnju sedmog bloka termoelektrane u Tuzli za koju smatraju da je ekološki i ekonomski sporna, piše mariborski list “Večer”.
European banks must not support a “new Šoštanj 6” in Bosnia-Herzegovina, warn NGOs
December 2, 2019
Slovene bank NLB’s offer of a loan for the construction of the controversial Tuzla 7 coal power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina poses serious risks to the bank and its shareholders due to a slew of legal and economic issues around the project, warned a group of non-governmental organisations in a letter to the bank today (1).
NGOs reaction to preparatory works kicking off at Tuzla 7 coal unit in Bosnia-Herzegovina: “This plant is not ready for construction”
October 31, 2019
Preparatory works for the construction of a new 450 MW coal unit Tuzla 7 are set to start on Friday, even as numerous controversies accompany the project, including an infringement case under the Energy Community Treaty.
Court halts expansion of largest coal mine in Romania following Bankwatch appeal
October 25, 2019
A Bucharest court has blocked an expansion of Rosia, the largest coal mine in Romania located in Gorj county, following a legal challenge to the mine’s environmental permit lodged by Bankwatch Romania.
Bucharest court blocks extension of Romania’s largest coal mine
October 25, 2019
A court in Bucharest has blocked the expansion of the Roșia coal mine in Gorj, the largest in Romania.
Environment NGO stops expansion of Romania’s largest coal mine
October 24, 2019
A Bucharest court blocked the expansion of Rosia de Amaradia, the largest coal mine in Romania located in Gorj county (and operated by coal and power group CE Oltenia), following a legal challenge to the mine’s environmental permit lodged by Bankwatch Romania, the environmental organisation announced.