Cum s-ar putea schimba Valea Jiului. Terenuri gratuite pentru tineri date de la primărie. „Oamenii s-ar întoarce, dacă ar avea șansa unui job decent”
February 13, 2021
Activistul asociației Bankwatch, Dan Dobre, care de doi ani se implică în proiecte în Valea Jiului, crede că, dacă primarii din zonă …
District heating – the role of EU investments in Latvia
February 10, 2021
Heating is a basic need in Latvia, where the average heating season lasts 200 days. More than half (58%) of Latvia’s primary energy consumption is used for heating. This report from Bankwatch and Green Liberty analyses the district heating projects implemented in Latvia with the support of EU funds during the last 20 years.
O unijne miliardy na transformację energetyczną Polska musi jeszcze powalczyć
January 23, 2021
Tym razem nie jest tak, że nam się po prostu należy. O pieniądze, które mają wesprzeć niełatwy projekt zmian w regionach górniczych, trzeba …
El IIDMA ve necesario una planificación anticipada de procesos de transición justa ante el cierre de centrales de carbón
December 17, 2020
El Instituto Internacional de Derecho y Medio Ambiente (IIDMA), junto con la coalición Europe Beyond Coal(EBC) y Bankwatch Network, han señalado que, a medida que las centrales de carbón cierran en favor de las energías renovables, se debería asegurar una planificación anticipada de los procesos de transición justa para asegurar las oportunidades económicas y de bienestar para las comunidades y trabajadores afectados por estos cierres.
Pathways for Just Transitions in South East Europe
December 14, 2020
This policy paper is a companion piece to “Accelerated Lignite Exit in Bulgaria, Romania and Greece”, a report published in May 2020 modelling the impact of the early retirement of some coal and all lignite power plants in the electricity sector in the three countries.
Saying Adiós to Coal
December 10, 2020
This briefing was issued by the Europe Beyond Coal campaign in December 2020. Europe Beyond Coal is an alliance of civil society groups working to catalyse the closures of coal mines and power plants, to prevent the building of any new coal projects and hasten the just transition to clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Our groups are devoting their time, energy and resources to this independent campaign to make Europe coal free by 2030 or sooner.
18 NGOs call on the Coal Platform for the Western Balkans and Ukraine to commit to public participation and climate action
December 10, 2020
As the Coal Platform for the Western Balkans and Ukraine kicks off with an inaugural meeting on Dec. 10-11, 18 NGOs active in the Western Balkans and Ukraine call for effective rules to be put in place from the start in order to ensure an inclusive transition away from all fossil fuels.
Four principles for a participatory just transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
December 10, 2020
Based on its experience in coal regions in the Western Balkans and with the EU’s Coal Regions in Transition Platform, Bankwatch has come up with four principles that the new Coal Platform for the Western Balkans and Ukraine must adhere to from the start to ensure it functions smoothly and achieves its goals.
CEPS signs EUR-189m loan for Czech power network upgrades
December 3, 2020
Czech transmission system operator CEPS AS has signed a CZK-5-billion (USD 230m/EUR 189m) loan to bolster the electricity transmission infrastructure in the Czech Republic, which in turn will facilitate the integration of renewables.
Jak przeprowadzić prawdziwie sprawiedliwą transformację regionów węglowych?
November 24, 2020
Sprawiedliwa transformacja gospodarki ku bardziej zielonej jest jedną z najważniejszych rzeczy dla regionów górniczych w Polsce. Ale jej skuteczne przeprowadzenie zależeć będzie nie tylko od pieniędzy, ale też od ich efektywnego wydania. Mówili o tym uczestnicy zorganizowanego przez, Komisję Europejską oraz Fundację Konrada Adenauera webinarium pt. „Sprawiedliwa transformacja regionów węglowych – Jak to zrobimy?”.