Eight steps for a just transition in the Western Balkans
briefing | 18 May 2021
Eight steps for a just transition aims to encourage national campaigners, civil movements, and local activists to begin the just transition process in their communities. Based on Bankwatch’s experience working with just transition countries in central and eastern Europe, this publication introduces the concept of just transition and the main benefits and challenges that might arise on the way. It also elaborate recommendations – how to engage the community, how to achieve the just transition process at the national level, where to allocate the funds – as well as successful stories from all over Europe.
See as well:
(SR) Osam koraka ka pravednoj (energetskoj) tranziciji na Zapadnom Balkanu
(BA) Osam koraka ka pravednoj (energetskoj) tranziciji na Zapadnom Balkanu
(MK) Осум чекори за праведна транзиција во земјите од Западен Балкан
Theme: just transition |
Location: Western Balkans
Tags: Balkans | Western Balkans | just transition
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