Better results and smoother uptake – guarantee partners’ involvement during EU funds implementation and monitoring
Policy comments | 1 June, 2015 | Download PDF
Despite some shortcomings of partners’ involvement during the Programming of the EU funds for 2014-2020, environmental partners could significantly improve the mainstreaming of environmental protection requirements throughout Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes. It is now all the more important to ensure partners can contribute during the implementation and monitoring of EU regional development funding. This paper offers practical suggestions to strengthen the role of civil society: Enable timely access to all relevant information,
Reflections on biodiversity offsetting in Mongolia
Briefing | 25 May, 2015 | Download PDF
A fact-finding mission in April 2015 to Mongolia identified serious concerns regarding the implementation of the new Mongolian Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation – in particular the specific provision on biodiversity offsetting. Oyu Tolgoi (OT), the largest mining investment ever licensed in Mongolia, has been the first project to include a biodiversity offset action in its EIA and related biodiversity management plan.
European Fund for Strategic Investments: Legal requirements to ensure additionality and added-value of EFSI operations
Briefing | 15 May, 2015 | Download PDF
The first four projects that the European Investment Bank announced for financing under President Juncker’s EUR 315 billion investment initiative, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), reveal the structural inconsistencies of both the EFSI legal set-up and the EIB procedures themselves. For the time being there is no genuine guarantee about the additionality of EFSI financing and added-value to EU’s long-term economic development objectives, in particular the multiple dividends of a decarbonised and decentralised energy system with substantial energy savings at its heart.
Interviewing the EBRD about the Kumtor gold mine
Briefing | 14 May, 2015 | Download PDF
This interview was conducted during the EBRD annual meeting and business forum, 14-15 May 2015 in Tbilisi. The interview was led by Ryskeldi Satke (RS) with Dr. Alistair Clark (AC), EBRD’s Managing Director Environment and Sustainability Department; Michaela Bergman (MB), EBRD’s Chief Counselor for Social Issues Environment and Sustainability Department; and Dr. Dariusz Prasek (DP), Director, Project Appraisal Environment Department.
Bankwatch Mail 62
Bankwatch Mail | 14 May, 2015 | Download PDF
Коротко о публикации Материалы 62-го выпуска Bankwatch Mail были опубликованы сразу после ежегодной встречи Европейского банка реконструкции и развития в Тбилиси. Увеличение числа энергетических проектов с печальными последствиями для людей и планеты, − от подавления инакомыслящих в Азербайджане и уничтожения национального парка в Македонии до (частичного) успеха ядерной безопасности в Украине, – является основной темой данного выпуска.
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