EIB Group Complaints Mechanism ineffective in addressing complaints submitted in relation to the Budapest Airport expansion project
January 31, 2025
In this case study, we explain the inefficiencies using a real-life example – the Budapest Airport Expansion Project – and make recommendations for the next review of the EIB Group Complaints Mechanism Policy.
Soft landing: New high-level EIB ‘revolving door’ revelations suggest systemic issue persists
March 1, 2024
Alarming new Politico report uncovers ‘revolving doors’ in the EIB’s highest echelons linked to the controversial expansion of the Budapest airport.
Por- és kerozinszennyezéstől szenvednek a reptér közelében élők, mégis a magyar lakosság kétszeresére növelik az utasforgalmat
October 12, 2021
Új tanulmányban vonja kérdőre a Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége és a Közép- és Kelet-Európai Bankfigyelő Hálózat (Bankwatch) a budapesti …
Pyromaniacs in Budapest want to burn EU funds in new waste incinerator
December 22, 2017
With its plans to build a new waste incinerator in Budapest with EU funding support, Hungary’s government not only ignores the opportunity to make it’s cities cleaner and healthier, but also piles up costs its citizens will have to pay in the future.