Ukraine’s dangerous air pollution problem in desperate need of solutions
October 19, 2020
Ukraine’s air pollution problem is not receiving the attention it deserves, neither at the national nor at international levels. The authorities are dragging their feet on both monitoring air quality and emissions reductions measures, and the international community allows continuous delays and deadline extensions for Ukraine’s major polluters, which impact the air quality throughout Europe.
In the air tonight: visualising SO2 emissions from coal power plants in the western Balkans
July 8, 2020
Grasping what a 600% breach of allowed SO2 emissions means is not an easy job, but our data visualisation does just that. In addition to choking the communities where coal power plants are located, SO2 pollution from the Western Balkans often reaches as far as Russia and the Black Sea Coast to the east and Germany to the West!
Western Balkan coal power plants breach pollution limits by 6 times, for the second year in a row
June 23, 2020
Two and a half years since pollution control legislation under the Energy Community Treaty obliged Western Balkan governments to apply EU norms, a new Bankwatch analysis finds air pollution – primarily sulphur dioxide (SO2) and dust emissions – from coal-fired power plants remains stubbornly high, choking communities across the region and beyond.
Može li Šoštanj biti lekcija BiH i Srbiji?
June 3, 2020
Dugotrajna saga o slovenačkoj elektrani Šoštanj 6 doživjela je dramatičan zaokret prošle sedmice. Slovenski tužitelji podnijeli su tužbe protiv 12 ljudi za pranje novca. U međuvremenu elektrana Šoštanj je ostvarila neto gubitak od 58,5 miliona eura. Mo
GE says it’s going green. Overseas, it’s still pushing coal
March 2, 2020
In the U.S., GE is increasingly known for wind turbines and other renewable energy technology, among many other products. But the 1,200-megawatt plant due to be built on Vietnam’s northern coast is one of 19 coal power projects the company is working o
A balkáni szénerőművek teszik tönkre Európa levegőjét
December 10, 2019
Ha nem is ennyire egyszerű a helyzet, a Bankwatch friss helyzetelemzéséből kiderül, hogy Szerbia, Montenegró, de még Horvátország is javarészt fütyül arra, hogy 15 éve drasztikus károsanyag-kontrollt ígért.
Trading profit for health: exploring Bosnia’s toxic relationship with coal
December 6, 2019
In Europe, there is still a place where coal is transported by a steam locomotive: the Banovići mine in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Nevladine udruge iz BiH upozorile NLB na spornu termocentralu Tuzla 7 u BiH
December 4, 2019
Više nevladinih udruga iz Bosne i Hercegovine upozorilo je upravu Nove Ljubljanske banke (NLB) na kontroverznost odluke da ta banka u konzorciju s bankom Intesa Sanpaolo i ruskom Sberbankom sa 75 milijuna eura kreditira gradnju sedmog bloka termoelektrane u Tuzli za koju smatraju da je ekološki i ekonomski sporna, piše mariborski list “Večer”.
Otvoren postupak protiv BiH zbog garancija za TE Tuzla blok 7
April 3, 2019
Mutna posla – BiH garantira kredit čiji iznos baš i nije fiksiranSource: Otvoren postupak protiv BiH zbog garancija za TE Tuzla blok 7
Blok 7 TE Tuzla: Još 50 godina zagađenja Tuzlanskog kantona
April 2, 2019
Bosna i Hercegovina izdvaja stotine miliona eura godišnje kako bi subvencionirali ugalj, dok su energetska efikasnost i energija iz vjetra i sunca sistematski zanemareniSource: Blok 7 TE Tuzla: Još 50 godina zagađenja Tuzlanskog kantona