Victory in Parliament: a green agenda placed at the heart of Europe’s recovery
October 20, 2020
The Environment Committee paves the way for a green and sustainable recovery by applying stricter criteria for all new investments in fossil fuels.
A dozen governments back 55% emissions cut by 2030, but divisions remain
October 15, 2020
Source: A dozen governments back 55% emissions cut by 2030, but divisions remain
Eastern Europe climate plans struggle to keep pace with EU’s green ambitions
October 15, 2020
Brussels – An in-depth assessment published yesterday [1] by the European Commission of the 27 EU states’ National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) highlights the growing gap between what eastern members’ plan and the ambitious targets set in the European Green Deal.
MEPs gas a green EU budget by voting for fossil fuels in Just Transition Fund
September 16, 2020
The European Parliament plenary session today voted for a 17.5 billion euros Just transition Fund that would permit the funding of fossil fuels projects, striking a blow to the EU’s ambitious European Green Deal.
EU budget breakthrough achievable with higher climate ambition, say campaigners
June 19, 2020
Brussels – Emphasising green spending in the next one trillion plus euros EU budget is the surest way to reach an agreement on the deal while leading the bloc to a more resilient recovery from the pandemic, say campaigners at CEE Bankwatch Network ahead of today’s European Council.
Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny „bankiem klimatycznym”? Zielona agenda z potężnymi pieniędzmi
May 29, 2020
W swoim planie działania na lata 2021–25, Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny – zdaniem propagatorów tzw. zielonej transformacji – powinien wyeliminować wsparcie na inwestycje niskoemisyjne we wszystkich sektorach i zmusić pośredników do przestrzegania klima
Ailing Romanian Coal Region Sees New Hope in EU Green Deal
May 29, 2020
After decades of failed restructuring, Romania’s Jiu Valley is finally looking to a future beyond coal. Source : Ailing Romanian Coal Region Sees New Hope in EU Green Deal
The Road Less Travelled: How the European Investment Bank’s Climate Roadmap 2021-2025 can lead it to become the climate bank
May 20, 2020
This report summarises the EIB’s undertakings on the road towards becoming the EU’s Climate Bank. It presents our findings on the implementation of the EIB’s 2015 Climate Strategy and looks at the results of the Bank’s climate action in the EU and enlargement countries. It also puts forward recommendations to the Bank.
Brussels bares teeth with launch of new biodiversity plan
May 20, 2020
The European Commission is getting tough on biodiversity with a new set of “nature restoration targets” announced for publication next year, which the EU executive says will be strictly enforced. Source : Brussels bares teeth with launch of new biodiversity plan
Uphill battle for Commission to bring Member States in line with new Biodiversity Strategy
May 20, 2020
The European Commission’s new Biodiversity Strategy 2030 published today has the right tools in place to safeguard nature but only if it can enforce the laws that Member States have at times skirted with impunity in the past, says CEE Bankwatch Network.