Is crypto keeping Tajikistan’s Rogun Dam project afloat?
December 23, 2024
In a letter sent earlier this year to Bankwatch, World Bank officials defended Rogun as a potentially “transformative clean energy project that will improve domestic and regional welfare and contribute to the decarbonization of regional power grids in Central Asia, provided it is managed under sound macro-economic, commercial, and social and environmental sustainability frameworks.”
Talking too much in the marshrutka: how I came to treasure Saventi
January 16, 2018
Rosa Vroom, author of the multimedia hub ‘Sventi is my homeland’, reflects on what makes the region and its people so special
Comments on the Nenskra supplementary environmental and social studies
January 15, 2018
The revised supplementary studies for the Nenskra project fail to properly perform a cost/benefit analysis. It lacks an assessment of the energy efficiency alternatives, the environmental externalities, the opportunity costs and even an economic inte
Briefing: Nenskra hydropower plant, Georgia
April 29, 2016
This briefing was prepared and presented during the annual meetings of the Asian Development Bank on 2 May 2016 in Frankfurt.
Macedonia urged to suspend controversial hydropower project
December 4, 2015
Strasbourg, Skopje, Prague – In the latest blow to planned hydropower dam in Macedonia’s Mavrovo National Park, the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention, the European wildlife treaty, added today its voice to growing calls to reconsider this reckless project. The spotlight is now on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the project’s main financier.