Ракия за закуска:Недоволството от съдбата на петицията за магистрала Струма
December 10, 2019
Прeз тaзи ceдмицa кoмиcиятa пo пeтициитe в Eврoпeйcкия пaрлaмeнт нe дaдe хoд нa пeтициятa зa cпирaнe нa cтрoитeлcтвoтo нa cъoтвeтнaтa чacт нa мaгиcтрaлa „Cтрумa“. Ракия за закуска:Недоволството от съдбата на петицията за магистрала Струма
Bulgaria’s Struma motorway becomes test case for European Commission’s commitment to EU nature protection law
September 14, 2017
With crude manipulations, the Bulgarian government is trying to push through a contended motorway route that would damage the country’s biodiversity hotspot in breach of EU law and international conventions. It expects that the European Commission will sit, watch and pay for it.
Illegal damage and threat of destruction of the Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria – complaint summary
July 12, 2017
This is a summary of a complaint to the EU Commission that was lodged to save the protected Bulgarian Kresna Gorge from a destructive motorway that received EU funding. It alleges that the construction of the controversial motorway is already breaking EU nature laws, and warns that completing the final section through Kresna Gorge nature reserve would be catastrophic for protected animals and plants in the region.
Bulgaria risks unnecessary breach of nature laws, threatening EUR 800 million of EU funding
March 2, 2017
The building of an EU-funded motorway linking Bulgaria and Greece, through Kresna Gorge – a stunning wildlife haven protected by EU nature laws – would be a disaster for nature and local people, and could result in up to €781 million being returned to the European Commission, claim Bulgarian and international NGO experts.