Fremde Federn: Moderne Sklaverei, Corona-Abgabe, rechte Ökonomen
January 13, 2021
Diese Woche unter anderem in den Fremden Federn: Unter welchen Umständen Staatschulden die kommenden Generationen (nicht) belasten, was der grüne Kurswechsel der EIB bedeutet, wie man CO2 wieder aus der Atmosphäre bekommt und warum das trotzdem nicht genug ist.
European Investment Bank: the unseen rise of a cohesion giant
December 18, 2020
Having undergone a significant transformation that raised its public profile, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is set to occupy an increasing role in bridging development gaps between the EU’s regions while raising funds for greening, but public finance watchers warn that hitting targets will not be easy.
The EIB’s empty promises on human rights
November 12, 2020
This briefing is extracted from a broader report carried out by NGOs CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance regarding the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) track record in the development field. Over the last decades, in solidarity with numerous citi
EU bank supports projects linked to human rights violations, NGOs claim
November 9, 2020
European Investment Bank accused of failure to properly assess impacts of supported projects in Africa and Asia
Eine Bank will in die Welt
November 9, 2020
Die Europäische Investitionsbank ist ein wichtiger Akteur unter den Förderbanken. Nun will sie auch zur EU-Entwicklungsbank werden. Dafür sei sie völlig ungeeignet, sagen Kritiker.
EIB eyes human rights rethink amid criticism
November 9, 2020
The European Investment Bank is preparing to consider changes to how it assesses the human rights impact of its projects, as a report from two NGOs released Monday argues the multilateral lender must be “deeply reformed” if it is to live up to its development potential.
La Banca europea per gli investimenti finanzia progetti che violano i diritti umani
November 9, 2020
Persone sgomberate, popolazioni indigene private della propria terra. Un report di due Ong punta il dito contro la costuzione di infrastrutture in diversi Paesi in via di sviluppo
EIB berated over human rights flaws by pressure group
November 9, 2020
EIB berated over human rights flaws by pressure group