Human rights row threatens gas pipelines
March 23, 2017
Campaigners are calling for European banks to pull the plug on the Southern Gas Corridor project due to Azerbaijan’s human rights record. Source: Human rights row threatens gas pipelines | Climate News NetworkClimate News Network
With the agreement of Turkey, Europe builds a giant gas pipeline
March 14, 2017
Long de 3.500 kilomètres, le « Southern Gas Corridor » doit acheminer le gaz de l’Azerbaïdjan vers l’Union européenne. Soutenue massivement par les institutions européennes et des banques privées, la construction du dernier tronçon, le Trans Adriatic P
Watchdog suspends Azerbaijan, EU gas pipeline loans threatened
March 10, 2017
Billions in development loans at risk after international human rights watchdog strips Azeri membership for failure to increase transparency Source: Watchdog suspends Azerbaijan, EU gas pipeline loans threatened
Soutenu par la Suisse, le gazoduc TAP joue son avenir
February 1, 2017
1 février 2017 Le projet de pipeline trans-adriatique, ou TAP, avance en terrain miné. Ce gazoduc reliant l’Azerbaïdjan à l’Italie, en passant par la Grèce et l’Albanie, est conçu pour approvisionner l’Europe en gaz naturel dès 2020. Face à l’oppositio
Dünya Bankası sicilleri kirli doğalgaz şirketlerine kredi verecek
December 25, 2016
Azerbaycan, doğalgaz, Dünya Bankası, Enerji, enerji haberleri, kredi, türkiye Source: Dünya Bankası sicilleri kirli doğalgaz şirketlerine kredi verecek
Dünya Bankası’ndan sicilleri kirli doğalgaz şirketlerine kredi
December 25, 2016
Dünya Bankası, geçmişinde yolsuzluk skandalları bulunan şirketlere TANAP için 800 milyon dolar kredi vermeyi onayladı. TANAP fosil yakıtlara bağımlılığı artıracak ve dolayısıyla iklim değişikliğini hızlandıracak eleştirileri alıyor Source: Dünya Bankas
Bankwatch: TANAP’a kredi vermeyin
December 22, 2016
Bankacılık izleme örgütü Bankwatch, Avrupa bankaları ve Dünya Bankası tarafından desteklenen boru hattı projesine kredi vermeme çağrısı yaptı. Bankwatch’a göre projeyi yapan tüm firmalar sabıkalı. Source: Bankwatch: TANAP’a kredi vermeyin
Turkish gas companies with corrupt past get World Bank loan
December 21, 2016
Businessmen who have secured contracts to build massive gas pipeline linking EU and Azerbaijan were convicted for tender rigging and bribery Source: Turkish gas companies with corrupt past get World Bank loan
World Bank’s controversial TANAP loan is bad news for human rights and climate action
December 21, 2016
Yesterday, the World Bank’s board of directors approved two USD 400 million loans, to Azerbaijan and to Turkey, to develop the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the centrepiece of the Southern Gas Corridor project. CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance are deeply concerned that the decision to channel such large amounts of money to Europe’s biggest fossil fuels project could exacerbate the already dismal human rights situation in both Azerbaijan and Turkey, and undermine the global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.
NGO letter to AIIB Board of Directors on TANAP loan
December 20, 2016
We are writing to express our serious concerns about the Azeri TANAP project in Turkey coming to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s Board of Directors on Wednesday (December 21) at an extraordinary meeting. While the AIIB TANAP project sheet in