Dünya Bankası’ndan sicilleri kirli doğalgaz şirketlerine kredi
December 25, 2016
Dünya Bankası, geçmişinde yolsuzluk skandalları bulunan şirketlere TANAP için 800 milyon dolar kredi vermeyi onayladı. TANAP fosil yakıtlara bağımlılığı artıracak ve dolayısıyla iklim değişikliğini hızlandıracak eleştirileri alıyor Source: Dünya Bankas
Bankwatch: TANAP’a kredi vermeyin
December 22, 2016
Bankacılık izleme örgütü Bankwatch, Avrupa bankaları ve Dünya Bankası tarafından desteklenen boru hattı projesine kredi vermeme çağrısı yaptı. Bankwatch’a göre projeyi yapan tüm firmalar sabıkalı. Source: Bankwatch: TANAP’a kredi vermeyin
Turkish gas companies with corrupt past get World Bank loan
December 21, 2016
Businessmen who have secured contracts to build massive gas pipeline linking EU and Azerbaijan were convicted for tender rigging and bribery Source: Turkish gas companies with corrupt past get World Bank loan
Aziende italiane con passato corruzione e sospetti mafia: così nascerà il TAP
December 16, 2016
Bankwatch critica i finanziamenti che le banche pubbliche europee si apprestano a erogare anche ad alcune aziende italiane sospettate di legami con la mafia Source: Aziende italiane con passato corruzione e sospetti mafia: così nascerà il TAP | Wall St
Watchdog warns on “dodgy” Southern Gas Corridor contracts
December 16, 2016
Construction cartels and firms with links to organised crime could benefit from billions in European public money after winning contracts to build a pipeline carrying gas from Azerbaijan to Europe, according to a development bank watchdog. Source: Watc
Europe development banks plan £5.5bn backing for gas project ‘with mafia links’
December 16, 2016
A pipeline to bring gas to Europe from central Asia has attracted companies with historic connections to cartels and the mafia, says Bankwatch report Source: Europe development banks plan £5.5bn backing for gas project ‘with mafia links’ | Global devel
Tap, “due miliardi dalla Banca europea e aziende sotto inchiesta per corruzione”
December 12, 2016
Dal giacimento di Shah Deniz 2, in Azerbaijan, fino alle spiagge di San Foca, in Puglia. Si snoda lungo 3.500 chilometri il Corridoio Sud del gas, uno delle grandi opere su cui ha puntato la Commissione Junker. L’opera fa discutere sia per l’impatto re
Gas pipelines run over EU energy policy
September 14, 2016
Critics claim €3bn European funding for the Southern Gas Corridor energy project would undermine EU climate change targets and gloss over human rights abuses. LONDON, 14 September, 2016 – Civil society campaigners have accused the European Union of pouring unprecedented amounts of state aid into a huge energy project that runs counter to its own climate change objectives.
Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates
September 13, 2016
NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation. Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.
TAP in Albania
August 26, 2016
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