Four big reasons not to sell uranium to Ukraine
April 18, 2016
As the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster approaches, Noel Wauchope outlines just a few compelling reasons why the Coalition Government’s uranium deal with Ukraine may have further disastrous consequences. WHAT AMAZINGLY insensitive timing. As the anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe approaches, Australia makes a deal (at the Nuclear Security Summit) to sell uranium to Ukraine. This is such a bad idea for so many reasons — it’s hard to know which to pick first! Economics: simply because uranium exporting is not really economically worthwhile.
Chernobyl nuclear disaster marks 30-year anniversary with ‘extreme tours’, boom in wild animals
April 12, 2016
Thirty years after the world’s most catastrophic nuclear accident, the abandoned Ukrainian town of Pripyat, home to the infamous Chernobyl nuclear reactor number four, has been transformed. From the ashes of the site has emerged a $US200 per person “extreme tourism” theme park. Each week more than 1,000 tourists are taken through security and radiation checkpoints, before being allowed to walk through the abandoned buildings, including the swimming pool complex, kindergarten and police station.
Ukraine needs European values and Europe’s solidarity
April 4, 2016
Ahead of a referendum in the Netherlands on the association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, Olexi Pasyuk from the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine discusses the agreement’s importance for Ukraine’s civil society and why Europe must still improve how it engages with the country.
Ради Westinghouse США готовят на Украине второй Чернобыль. Перспективы атома
March 29, 2016
Украинская атомная энергетика практически полностью связана с российским атомным комплексом. Все 4 станции с 15 энергоблоками оборудованы реакторами производства РФ ВВЭР-400 и ВВЭР-1000. До 2011 г. все ядерное топливо поставлялось из России компанией ТВЭЛ. Но тренд «гэть від Москви» в полной мере коснулся и этой отрасли, которая на протяжении многих лет в ущерб безопасности подвергается жестоким и опасным экспериментам.
Thirty Years After Chernobyl, Ukraine Doubles Down On Nuclear Power
February 8, 2016
Nearly 30 years after Chernobyl spewed nuclear dust across Europe and sparked fears of fallout around the globe, a strapped, war-torn Ukraine is opting for “upgrades” rather than shutdowns of its fleet of Soviet-era nuclear power reactors. Kyiv is planning to spend an estimated $1.7 billion to bring the facilities, many of which are nearing the end of their planned life spans, up to current Western standards.
Na zielonej Ukrainie duże problemy z ekologią
November 28, 2015
– Zabili mi wszystkie ryby i jeszcze bezczelnie kłamią, że nic się nie stało – mówi Roman Iwanowicz Depa i pokazuje zdjęcia. Depa hoduje ryby w zbiorniku wodnym przy elektrociepłowni w Dobrotworze. Siłownia należy do oligarchy Rinata Achmatowa i jego koncernu DTEK. W noc przed wyborami prezydenckimi z 24 na 25 maja zeszłego roku w elektrowni doszło do awarii i do jeziora wypuszczono wodę o temperaturze ponad 40 st. Dopuszczalna norma to 32 st.
Energoatom lawsuit against Ukrainian activists is the latest attempt to stifle public debate over an ageing nuclear energy fleet
August 28, 2015
A Kiev court held yesterday the first hearing in a case brought by Energoatom, Ukraine’s state-owned nuclear power plants operator, against the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU), a civil society group, member of the CEE Bankwatch Network.
Āris Ādlers, attīstības projektu eksperts Ukrainā, Gruzijā un Moldovā
June 17, 2015
TV story on the May 2015 agribusiness fact-finding mission to Ukraine (in Latvian).
Ukrajina a jadrove reaktory
May 22, 2015
Interview with Dana Marekova (in Slovak). Starting at 21:00
Nukleárna Ukrajina: reaktory fungujú aj po životnosti, blízko je vojna
May 14, 2015
Dožívajúce sovietske reaktory vyvolávajú obavy o bezpečnosť. Neďaleko jednej obrovskej skládky jadrového paliva beží vojna a Kyjev o ich obnove svojich susedov riadne neinformuje.