Closing the door on waste incineration for district heating in central and eastern Europe
December 2, 2024
This issue paper underlines that Member States and public financing should align with EU principles and avoid investments that lock them into unsustainable practices like waste incineration.
EU climate fund bankrolling dirty energy expansion
June 25, 2024
As global temperatures continue to soar and climate disasters hit the most vulnerable, the EU’s little-known Modernisation Fund is propping up unsustainable energy infrastructure.
Open Letter on the Implementation of the RED in the European Union
April 29, 2024
In this letter, we urge the European Commission and Member States to explicitly exclude waste incineration from the scope of ‘waste heat’ targets in the RED, prioritize waste prevention and establish ambitious recycling target and invest in innovative technologies for clean energy generation and resource recovery.
Bulgarian court rules out Sofia waste incinerator plant due to unassessed health risks and lack of public consultation
September 26, 2023
After eight years of litigation, Sofia’s Administrative Court overturned the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for a waste incineration plant in the Bulgarian capital. Expected to burn processed waste in the form of refuse-derived fuel (RDF), the plant would have put the health of Sofia’s residents at risk, polluted the air, generated toxic ash and created additional traffic, the court ruled.
Termoblok u Tuzli mogao bi proizvoditi energiju iz drveta – Ekolozi tvrde da EPBiH krije pravi plan
September 12, 2022
Elektroprivreda BiH juče je objelodanilamogućnost konverzije trećeg bloka Termoelektrane u Tuzliu kombinovano toplotno i energetsko …
Da li će političari dozvoliti da se Tuzlanski kanton pretvori u spalionicu Evropskog smeća?
September 8, 2022
Foto bazaJP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo i Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) kako je juče najavljeno danas bi trebali …
Green Shoots in Serbia a Worry for Ruling Party and Opponents
August 31, 2021
Never before seen as a priority for impoverished Serb voters, green issues are forcing themselves onto the political agenda ahead of …
‘Needle under a blanket’ at Belgrade waste project
January 18, 2021
Superficial cover up by the EBRD’s accountability mechanism of problems at Belgrade Solid Waste public-private partnership is followed by new request for problem solving.
Иницијатива против спалионице у Винчи
October 12, 2020
Source: Иницијатива против спалионице у Винчи
Groundhog day: Third public consultation for Belgrade incinerator environmental studies and still no circular economy in sight
October 1, 2020
Construction of Belgrade’s Vinča incinerator officially started last year, so why have Serbian authorities opened a new public consultation on an updated environmental study? Annulling all previous approvals immediately is the only way to give this process any integrity.