Biodiversity Campaigner
Email: andrey.ralev [at] bankwatch.orgTel.:
I was born in Bulgaria, lived in Venezuela, Spain, Armenia, traveled on 4 continents. I finished my master’s in Environmental Studies in Madrid and I speak English, Spanish, Bulgarian and other Slavic languages. Since 2002, when I got involved in Save the Kresna Gorge campaign, I have been participating in many environmental campaigns – to protect forests and wetlands, coastal habitats and mountains, national parks and NATURA 2000 sites, local communities and indigenous people – and river protection has been one of my greatest passions. Riparian ecosystems are threatened and communities depending on rivers are suffering the consequences all around the world. As a volunteer, expert or project manager I have assisted environmental campaigns with different strategic actions – biodiversity fieldwork, scientific research, creation of alternative reports, financial activism, legal support, lobbying, public participation, direct actions, communication, creation of coalitions. Since 2016 I am totally committed to the values, vision and mission of CEE Bankwatch Network. Most of my work with Bankwatch has been as a biodiversity consultant but I also had very successful collaboration in media projects: for example in Nenskra and Amulsar visuals or We are Svaneti festival.
More from Andrey Ralev
Following concerns from local people, the Aarhus Centre in Sarajevo and CEE Bankwatch Network have started legal actions on the lack of environmental impact assessment and appropriate assessment for the 132 MW Poklečani wind project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Hasty decisions by the Federation of BiH authorities and European Investment Bank might end up delaying the project for years.
The Bureau of the Convention recently accepted a new complaint and urged the Albanian authorities to not develop projects which may negatively affect habitats and species.
As the global biodiversity crisis grows ever more urgent, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) environmental policy and practice is proving insufficient to prevent harm to nature, let alone allow its restoration. The Bank’s review of its environmental and social policy in the coming months must provide a proportionate response to the scale of the problem.
Skavica Dam — the last thing Albania needs
July 22, 2022 | Read more
Instead of increasing its energy security, Albania is pushing the construction of yet more hydropower, leading to thousands losing their land and the potential extinction of Europe’s rarest cat. Will the US International Development Finance Corporation really consider financing Skavica?
Pouring millions from empty into the void
May 30, 2022 | Read more
EBRD and EIB investments in Bulgarian hydropower have once again been hit by scandal with the recent failure of the Chaira pumped storage plant and revelations about the illegality of small hydropower plants. The planned Yadenitsa dam would be more of the same: will the EBRD and EIB be wise enough to say no?