Five new lignite power plants planned in Western Balkan countries risk violating EU polution rules | April 7, 2014
Balkan power plants ‘risk breaching IED limits’
ENDS Europe | April 7, 2014Five new lignite-fired power projects in the Balkans are likely to breach EU air emission limits unless these are taken into account in the planning process, warns CEE Bankwatch.
Distress signal
Kiyv Post | March 11, 2014Ukraine’s new leaders deserve praise for some of the moves they have made since coming to power after Viktor Yanukovych abandoned the presidency on Feb. 22. But they will need lots of outside help in managing the multiple political, economic and military crises confronting Ukraine.
European Development Bank: Backward Step on Rights
Reuters AlertNet | March 5, 2014Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. Facebook Like Email The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) new draft Environment and Social Policy would fail to weed out abusive development projects, seven human rights and bank watchdog organizations said today in a joint statement. The bank’s consultation on the draft policy closes on March 5, 2014. It then has an opportunity to revise the policy before sending it to the bank’s board for approval in the coming months.
European Development Bank: Backward Step On Rights, Says HRW
Eurasia Review | March 5, 2014The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) new draft Environment and Social Policy would fail to weed out abusive development projects, seven human rights and bank watchdog organizations said today in a joint statement. The bank’s consultation on the draft policy closes on March 5, 2014. It then has an opportunity to revise the policy before sending it to the bank’s board for approval in the coming months.
Ukraine’s woes deepen as EBRD warns of power price doubling
Energo | February 4, 2014available upon request
Big loans to big players
Mada Masr | January 30, 2014To many outsiders looking in, the seemingly resounding “yes” vote in Egypt’s recent constitutional referendum might suggest that, three years on from the January 25 protests that kick-started the country’s revolution, the democratic transition is healthily moving forward.
Hydropower Struggle: Dams Threaten Europe’s Last Wild Rivers
Der Spiegel | January 29, 2014Europe’s last remaining wild rivers flow through the Balkans, providing stunning scenery and habitat to myriad plants and animals. But hundreds of dam projects threaten to do irreparable harm to the region’s unique biospheres — to provide much needed electricity to the people who live there.
EBRD hiding head in the sand on Egypt democracy
The Daily News Egypt | January 29, 2014Individual rights, gender equality, freedom of religion, freedom of thought and opinion, freedom of press, the right to go on strike — all these and other rights and freedoms are enshrined in the new constitution that Egyptians voted overwhelmingly in favour of.
A Lesson for Dr. Kim and the World Bank as It Ponders the Kosovo Coal Project
Huffington Post | January 27, 2014When Dr. Kim, President of the World Bank, and leaders of other international financial institutions ponder funding new coal power projects this year — like the one in Kosovo — there’s one word that should be seared into their memories: Sostanj.