Cohesion policy: Watch out for the steps back
EurActiv | November 17, 2011The European Commission’s proposals that urge member states to invest part of their regional development fund on low-carbon and energy-efficiency measures sounds very encouraging, argues to Markus Trilling of the CEE Bankwatch Network. The question that remains though is whether these proposals will be sufficient enough to secure the conditions for a sustainable regional development.
Report reveals bank transparency issues
New Europe | November 15, 2011On 15 November, the first-ever Aid Transparency Index was released by the UK based group Publish What You Fund. The index evaluated 58 major actors in the international financial institutions sector, and the results found did not reflect well on European banks.
Les ONG dénoncent les pratiques des pétroliers au Nigeria
DD Magazine | November 15, 2011Un nouveau rapport de mission au Nigeria publié conjointement par un collectif international d’ONG et d’associations environnementales dont les Amis de la Terre France dénonce un décalage entre le discours officiel de Total, Eni et Shell et les réalités constatées sur le terrain. Il montre comment l’Union européenne garantit sa sécurité énergétique au détriment de communautés locales dont elle détruit l’environnement et les conditions de vie.
EIB na Slovensku financuje plyn, u susedov obnoviteľné zdroje
Euractiv Slovakia | November 10, 2011Z prostriedkov európskych bánk by sa pri Žiline mala postaviť kogeneračná plynová elektráreň. Neziskové organizácie i obyvatelia však upozorňujú na neexistujúce environmentálne zhodnotenie a neefektívnosť vynaložených prostriedkov.
A greener budget?
European Voice | October 27, 2011Commission plans to allocate much more of the EU budget to climate issues are proving controversial.
NGOs urge stop to EBRD loan for Dalmatian hydropower plant
Croatian Times | October 26, 2011Environmental organizations in Croatia and abroad are urging the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) not to go ahead with a planned 123 million Euro loan for the Ombla hydropower plant near Dubrovnik because of devastating consequences the plant’s construction could have on the environment.
Protest proti Teš 6
RTV Slovenia | October 20, 2011;;
No EU funds for Czech incinerators
Recycling Portal | October 17, 2011The Czech Republic plans to build three new incinerators with EU regional funds available for big waste management projects in the current EU budget (2007-2013). According to information provided to CEE Bankwatch Network by the Czech State Environmental Fund, a mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) would be three times cheaper per installed ton capacity to build than incinerators. This difference will eventually be passed on to the households in price for waste management.
Incinerators ‘should not get cohesion funds’
ENDS Europe | October 14, 2011MEPs and member states must ban the use of EU cohesion funds for incinerator projects when they legislate on the European Commission’s package of proposals to overhaul cohesion policy, according to green group CEE Bankwatch.
Schweizer Geld für dubiose Kohlekraftwerke
20 minuten online | October 8, 2011Die Bedenken gegenüber der Stromproduktion aus Kohle wachsen. Doch die Schweiz beteiligt sich weiter finanziell an Kraftwerken – auch an solchen, die negative Schlagzeilen machen.