Green groups criticise lack of transparency in covid recovery fund process
Ends Europe | February 9, 2021Source: Green groups criticise lack of transparency in covid recovery fund process
‘Plan Marshalla’ na miarę XXI wieku. | February 9, 2021Przed nami drugi ‘Plan Marshalla’. Unijne wsparcie po COVID 19, z którego 57 mld euro przypadnie Polsce. To wielka szansa na skok …
Hydropower impact on the dniester river streamflow
Springer | February 9, 2021AbstractnAn assessment of the Dniester Hydropower Complex (DHPC) impacts on this river streamflow is presented. The study was based on a …
Klima und Energie kompakt vom 04.02.2021
Deutscher Naturschutzring | February 4, 2021c. PixabaynAm Freitag und am kommenden Montag laufen verschiedene öffentliche Konsultationen aus, die die EU-Kommission im Zuge des von 40 …
Еко-Свест: За педесет години во земјава ќе настане суша потребно е итно делување за влијанието од климатските промени
Slobodenpecat | February 4, 2021Поради климатските промени, сите земји што и се потписнички на Парискиот договор, се обврзани да работат кон тоа да глобалната температура …
UAE membership raises human rights concerns around EBRD
Devex | February 1, 2021The United Arab Emirates is set to become the newest member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, alarming rights …
Bankwatch: Hydropower Subsidies Remain an Issue in Western Balkans | February 1, 2021“Under the Energy Community Treaty, the Western Balkan countries must apply EU State aid rules in the energy sector, including the …
Serbia’s RES law needs prioritizing environmental and economic sustainability
Serbia Energy | January 29, 2021Moving away from feed-in tariffs is a much needed move from both the environmental and financial point of view, as Serbia’s existing …
The European Investment Bank should protect human rights in its business practices, said 15 NGOs
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies | January 29, 2021On the occasion of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors’ annual policy dialogue with civil society, fifteen organizations …
Mining encouraged by European Green Deal must not destroy nature and health, warns CEE Bankwatch Network
Agence Europe | January 28, 2021Despite its long-term goals of achieving a circular economy and reducing resource use, the European Green Deal is pushing mining to meet …