Tuzla de Bosnia y Herzegovina podría ser un líder regional en calefacción sostenible
November 11, 2021
Tuzla, en Bosnia y Herzegovina, puede reemplazar por completo el uso de carbón con fuentes renovables sostenibles tanto para la energía …
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Tuzla could be a regional leader in sustainable heating
November 10, 2021
Tuzla, in Bosnia and Herzegovina can entirely replace the use of coal with sustainable renewable sources for both local power and heating, …
Second edition of Lung Run promotes climate action and clean air at COP26
November 8, 2021
On the side lines of this year’s UN climate change conference in Glasgow, more than 40 people from around the world joined our initiative to run 20.30 kilometres to support the science-backed need for a coal phase-out by 2030.
Tuzla bi mogla biti regionalni lider u čistom i održivom grijanju
November 8, 2021
Nova analiza koju je danas objavila CEE Bankwatch Network pokazuje da je tehnički moguće u potpunosti zamijeniti korištenje uglja održivim …
Tuzla ima alternativu: Da li će gradske vlasti imati dovoljno političke hrabrosti da krenu u proces dekarbonizacije grijanja?!
November 8, 2021
Nova analiza Bankwatch mreže pokazuje da bi Tuzla mogla biti regionalni lider u čistom i održivom grijanju
New Bankwatch analysis: Tuzla, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, could be a regional leader in sustainable heating
November 8, 2021
A new analysis published today by CEE Bankwatch Network shows that it is technically possible to entirely replace the use of coal with sustainable renewable sources for both local power and heating in Tuzla, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BiH is among the few European countries that still count on coal in its energy strategy
November 7, 2021
BiH is among the few European countries that still count on coal in its energy strategy, and the explanation for the new investment in …
The Serbian parliament is expected to allow top polluters
November 6, 2021
Of the 227 facilities listed by the Ministry for Environmental Protection, only 46 have obtained permits since the Law entered into force …
L’Europe en a-t-elle fini avec le charbon ?
November 5, 2021
Une quarantaine de pays se sont engagés jeudi lors de la COP26 de Glasgow à ne plus utiliser de charbon pour produire de l’électricité. …
As world leaders pledge to end coal, Serbia lets polluters continue illegal operations
November 5, 2021
The Serbian parliament is expected to allow top polluters, including its antiquated fleet of coal power plants, to operate without environmental permits for three more years, under amendments to legislation set to be adopted on Tuesday, 9 November.