La centrale a carbone che avvelena Tuzla e frena la transizione energetica
October 25, 2021
Sul pendio di una collina, Bukinje sembrerebbe un tranquillo quartiere residenziale alle porte di Tuzla, città della Bosnia ed Erzegovina. …
Тодор Тодоров: Новите ядрени мощности не са екологичното спасение от изкопаемите горива
October 25, 2021
Тодор Тодоров e координатор в направление Енергия и климат в Екологично сдружение За Земята от 15 години. Национален координатор е за …
Summary of the study: ‘Identification and analysis of potential sustainable heating solutions in Pljevlja, Montenegro’
October 25, 2021
In order to address high levels of air pollution in Pljevlja, Montenegro, the municipality’s heating supply must become more sustainable. Although Montenegro’s 2030 Energy Strategy proposes the development of district heating systems based on biomass,
Pljevlja has unique opportunity to clean up its heating system
October 25, 2021
Montenegro’s overdue coal phase-out should be taken as an opportunity to develop state-of-the-art heating in Pljevlja, which is entirely possible and economically viable, a new expert study commissioned by CEE Bankwatch Network shows.
Moguća bolja rješenja za sistem daljinskog grijanja u Pljevljima
October 25, 2021
Razvoj savremenog sistema grijanja bez uglja u Pljevljima je moguć i ekonomski je isplativ, pokazuje nova …
Termoelektrana u Tuzli opasna po život, zbog zagađenja zraka već su umrle tisuće ljudi, a državno poduzeće ne poduzima ništa: ‘Investirate pa se to tereti na konačnoj cijeni…‘
October 22, 2021
Otpad iz termoelektrane u Tuzli desetljećima zagađuje prirodu, upozorava DW u video prilogu.
Radio silence on gas allegations: European Commission breaks another deadline to respond to Bankwatch’s complaint
October 21, 2021
The European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy is dragging its feet in answering allegations on its role in the selection of priority gas pipelines in the Western Balkans and Caucasus region. The delays threaten to diminish the chances of the Ombudsman’s findings being taken into account while developing new EU energy rules.
EuroNatur und Bankwatch fordern strengere Regeln bei Wasserkraftfinanzierung der Europäischen Investitionsbank
October 21, 2021
Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) hat seit 2010 (1) eine Reihe zerstörerischer Wasserkraftprojekte finanziert, wie ein heute …
FOTO: RiverWatch u posjeti Janjićima
September 30, 2021
Aktivisti i pravni eksperti iz austrijske organizacije RiverWatch, zajedno s aktivistima regionalnog saveza “Odbranimo r(ij)eke Balkana”, …
Why the climate blame game is causing a stink in southeast Europe
September 28, 2021
The tall smokestacks of factories oozing thick clouds of dark smoke are omnipresent in the landscapes of central, southern and eastern …