Въглищните централи на Западните Балкани са най-големият замърсител
July 21, 2021
В момента Северна Македония е единствената държава в Западните Балкани, която потвърди, че ще се откаже от въглищата. Плановете са Скопие …
GLOBALNO ZAGRIJAVANJE, SUŠA, GLAD: Zašto su ljeta sve toplija?
July 18, 2021
Toplotni talas u Kanadi u junu odneo je desetine života, javlja britanski javni servis BBC. U …
Western Balkans coal plants pollute twice as much as those in the EU
July 15, 2021
North Macedonia is currently the only country in the Western Balkans to have confirmed that it will exit coal.nnA new report by the Centre …
Report: Western Balkan coal plants pollute twice as much as those in the EU
July 14, 2021
A report by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) and Bankwatch set to be released on 12 July shows how 18 coal-fired …
U Ugljeviku poljsko-kineski investitor planira drugu termoelektranu
July 13, 2021
Ugljevik bi uskoro mogao dobiti još jednu termoelektranu suprotno sugestijama koje je Energetska zajednica uputila BiH.nBila bi to druga …
Coal power stations in Western Balkans emit twice as much SO2 as EU plants
July 13, 2021
For example, Serbia’s Nikola Tesla A thermal power plant exceeded the total SO2 emissions of the highest-emitting EU country, Poland, a …
U Ugljeviku poljsko-kineski investitor planira drugu termoelektranu – Tacno.net
July 13, 2021
Foto: capital.ba Ruski milijarder Rashid Serdarov, vlasnik kompanije Comsar Energy Republika Srpska (RS), potpisao je ugovor sa državnom …
Western Balkan coal power plants polluted twice as much as those in the EU in 2019
July 12, 2021
The non-compliance of Western Balkan coal power plants with the emission limits enshrined in the Energy Community Treaty is reflected in the region’s high sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and dust emissions. This briefing looks mainly at th
Status of the Territorial Just Transition Plans in central and eastern Europe: July 2021 update
July 8, 2021
This briefing is the third in our series of updates on the Territorial Just Transition Plan (TJTP) preparation process in seven central and eastern European (CEE) countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
Romania: Coal phase-out plan by 2032 not good enough
July 1, 2021
According to Bankwatch Romania, the country’s planned coal phase-out by 2032 is not enough for Romania to be able to reach its climate …