It’s time to put an end to EU funding of fossil gas
June 27, 2022
While EU households and industry face months without heating, exorbitant energy bills and insecurity, EU funds are driving an increase in the demand for gas in the region, a Bankwatch analysis of Modernisation Fund spending shows.
Zeleni oporavak EU, ali katkad itekako na štetu prirorde
June 24, 2022
Upravljanje vodama i projekti u obnovljivcima po skraćenim procedurama problematični su za okolišnVezani sadržajinTagovi
Civil Society From Across the Asian Region Urge the ADB to Stop Financing False Climate and Energy Solutions
June 16, 2022
Civil society groups from across Asia are condemning the Asian Development Bank’s Asia Clean Energy Forum 2022, hosted from June 14-17th, as failing to provide a platform for discussion about real climate and energy solutions grounded in science and the lived realities of the region’s diverse communities. To highlight critical concerns about the ADB’s proposed and current energy investments, a range of events are being organized online and in person by community groups and their allies.
EU investments: voice of the public must be heard!
June 16, 2022
Member States are currently making important investment decisions to address the multitude of crises we are facing. This money has the potential to transform our economy, yet the challenges to ensure it meets this potential are high. The EU’s unprecedented COVID-19 recovery package should be spent wisely and in a transparent manner. Yet it is for the moment far from open, and it is unlikely this will change any time soon.
Paljastus: EU:n koronarahoja käytetty väärin – 3 maata nousee erityisesti esiin
June 16, 2022
Tuore raportti kertoo, että EU:n koronatukirahoja on käytetty eri tarkoitukseen kuin alun perin oli ajatus.
June 15, 2022
Heureuse issue pour un combat qui aura duré plus de quatre ans : lundi 13 juin, la marque américaine et le gouvernement albanais ont …
On the (long) road to recovery: Poland’s plan greenlit
June 14, 2022
Poland’s recovery plan has finally been endorsed by the Commission after over a year of negotiations. Despite multiple declarations from government officials that talks would finish quickly, the plan worth EUR 35 billion was put on hold for an extended period of time because of the Commission’s concerns about the rule of law in the country. Is Poland’s recovery plan a wasted opportunity? Not necessarily, but it is not a fully-used one, either.
Planurile de redresare și reziliență, un nou val de finanțări care dăunează biodiversității
June 7, 2022
Comisia Europeană pretinde că Fondul de redresare și de reziliență (672,5 miliarde de euro) va asigura o „redresare ecologică” în întreaga …
Плановете за възстановяване след пандемията крият и рискове според природозащитници
June 7, 2022
Като пример за ВЕИ инвестиция, увреждаща биоразнообразието, риболовен клуб Балканка дава редица водноелектрически централи в зони от …
Agent Green atrage atenția că planurile de redresare si reziliență ale UE sunt dezastruoase pentru natură
June 5, 2022
Raportul pentru România arată că măsurile planificate de împădurire și reîmpădurire nu au prea mult sens dacă nu sunt însoțite de măsuri …