Bulletin Quotidien Europe N° 12965
June 3, 2022
Les plans de relance risquent d’endommager davantage la nature dans l’UE, selon un rapport d’ONG
Екодоклад призова за баланс между ВЕИ и биоразнообразието
June 3, 2022
Механизмът за възстановяване и устойчивост на ЕК, предвиждащ 672.5 млрд. евро за зеленото възстановяване, е възможно да не защити в …
Плановете за възстановяване в страните от Централна и Източна Европа – потенциална заплаха за природата?
June 3, 2022
Инвестициите във ВЕИ в българския план за развитие и устойчивост са необходима и положителна мярка, но при ясни правила, ограничаващи …
EU-Wiederaufbauplan – eine Gefahr für die Natur
June 2, 2022
Die 672 Milliarden Euro schwere Aufbau- und Resilienzfazilität (RRF) wird zwar von der EU-Kommission als Hauptwerkzeug des „grünen …
Behind the ‘green recovery’: How the EU recovery fund is failing to protect nature and what can still be saved
June 2, 2022
This report prepared by CEE Bankwatch Network and EuroNatur, shines a spotlight on the implementation of recovery funds, and reveals a series of harmful reforms and investments for biodiversity set to be financed in nine central and eastern European Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovenia).
Position paper: Kosovo’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
May 31, 2022
This position paper aims to provide recommendations for Kosovo’s National Energy and Climate Plan, which is currently being developed, from an environmental sustainability and public inclusion standpoint.
Pouring millions from empty into the void
May 30, 2022
EBRD and EIB investments in Bulgarian hydropower have once again been hit by scandal with the recent failure of the Chaira pumped storage plant and revelations about the illegality of small hydropower plants. The planned Yadenitsa dam would be more of the same: will the EBRD and EIB be wise enough to say no?
Il ripristino della biodiversità deve essere parte integrante della transizione energetica europea
May 4, 2022
In vista della pubblicazione della comunicazione RepowerEU da parte della Commissione europea, in una dichiarazione congiunta, BirdLife, …
Just transition project implementation checklist
April 29, 2022
The paper outlines what comes next after the preparation of the Territorial Just Transition Plans and their final approval by the European Commission. It takes a look not only at the actual planning and spending of the funds provided in accordance with the approved Plans, but also at the challenges faced by the regions and the level to which they are prepared to address them. The checklist provides an easy-to-use overview of what each region should have in place in order to make sure it reaches its professed goals along with a discussion of each issue, relevant examples and references to more detailed reports, documents or regulations concerning particular points.
Sve može, kad zakona nema
April 24, 2022
Milena Muk ističe da Crna Gora jedina od zemalja bivše Jugoslavije nema zakon o Vladi, te da bi se njime jasno regulisala pravila za period …