Umweltverbände warnen vor Naturzerstörung mit EU-Hilfen
April 21, 2022
Brüssel – EU-Hilfen zur Linderung der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Coronapandemie fließen wohl teilweise in umweltschädliche …
Breaking down the ‘do no significant harm’ principle
April 7, 2022
This briefing aims to explain the ‘do no significant harm’ principle and how it has been used in the Recovery and Resilience Facility. It also raises concerns over the long-term risks and implications of applying the ‘do no significant harm’ principle
Senatul României și cuiburile de păsări
March 28, 2022
Senatul României, la insistențele membrului său Zamfir Daniel, a dat undă verde construirii de hidrocentrale ilegale, pe râurile de munte …
Мали хидроцентрали: меѓу отпор и немоќ
March 26, 2022
Две различни приказни од борбата за вода; Жировница и Теарце
Flagships or red flags? Risks of proposed flagship infrastructure projects under the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans
March 24, 2022
Under the European Commission’s October 2020 Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) is set to provide grants worth EUR 9 billion, with up to EUR 20 billion more in investments leveraged through the Western Balkans Guarantee Facility. Western Balkan governments have proposed projects for financing in ten Flagship areas for investment. The list of these proposed projects contains many which appear reasonable and much-needed, but many others are not in line with EU policy and/or legislation and must not be funded with EU money. This briefing provides an overview of selected projects that have been nominated by governments but which are not in line with EU policy and/or legislation.
Projekt HE “Buk Bijela” štetan za životnu sredinu i razvoj turizma
March 23, 2022
Jedna od privrednih grana na koju će ovaj projekat svakako uticati, a koja ima najveći potencijal na području Foče je rafting turizam
Rijeka Bosna – zapušteni dragulj Bosne i Hercegovine
March 23, 2022
Novo istraživanje o ribama i drugim vodenim životinjama potvrđuje da rijeku Bosnu treba zaštititi, a ne pregraditi. Prenosimo prevod teksta …
The river Bosna – a neglected gem of Bosnia and Herzegovina
March 22, 2022
A new survey on fish and other aquatic animals confirms the river should be protected, not dammed.
Ce se întâmplă cu lucrările la hidrocentralele din Defileul Jiului, oprite din 2017. Cum poate fi reluată investiţia
March 15, 2022
Lucrările la Amenajarea hidroelectrică din Defileul Jiului, care cuprinde două hidrocentrale, au rămas blocate de aproape cinci ani, însă o …
Status of the Territorial Just Transition Plans in central and eastern Europe: December 2021 update – Annex: Slovakia.
March 10, 2022
This annex to the December 2021 update on the status of the Territorial Just Transition Plans in central and eastern Europe provides additional data for Slovakia.