Жалба на улагање Европске инвестиционе банке у изградњу малих хидроелектрана у Србији
February 7, 2022
Еколошко удружење Рзав и ЦЕЕ Бенквоч Нетворк, уз подршку светске организације за заштиту природу WWF, поднели су жалбу на рад Европске …
Nova žalba zbog izgradnje mini hidroelektrane
February 7, 2022
BEOGRAD: Ekološko udruženje Rzav i CEE Bankwatch Network, uz podršku svetske organizacije za zaštitu prirodu WWF, podneli su žalbu na rad …
Нова жалба због изградње мини хидроелектране
February 7, 2022
БЕОГРАД: Еколошко удружење Рзав и CEE Bankwatch Network, уз подршку светске организације за заштиту природу WWF, поднели су жалбу на рад …
Štetnu investiciju za gradnju MHE na Rzavu i Bistrici omogućila EIB
February 7, 2022
Ekološko udruženje “Rzav” i CEE Bankwatch Network, uz podršku svetske organizacije za zaštitu prirodu WWF, podneli su žalbu na rad Evropske …
Jedinom projektu MHE u Vojvodini ukinuta dozvola za gradnju
February 5, 2022
Mini hidroelektrana na kanalu Jaruga na reci Neri u Banatu neće biti završena, a konačnu odluku o ukidanju građevinske dozvole potvrdilo je …
Major blow to Bosnia hydropower project as Germany’s KfW drops financing plans
January 28, 2022
German development bank KfW has today confirmed that it is dropping plans to finance the controversial Janjići hydropower plant on the river Bosna in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
New complaint on hidden EIB hydropower financing in Serbia shows need for tighter standards
January 27, 2022
As the EIB prepares to adopt a new environmental and social policy next week, an NGO complaint to the Bank’s Complaint Mechanism shows why the Bank’s standards for financial intermediaries urgently need to be tightened.
Buk Bijela dam and the Upper Drina cascade
December 13, 2021
Planned as a joint project of public utilities owned by the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, Buk Bijela on the upper Drina is being pushed forward in violation of local legislation and international conventions.
Tashlyk pumped storage plant, Ukraine
December 7, 2021
The Tashlyk pumped storage plant is a massive hydropower project. Its operation extends to protected areas with peculiar microclimate features that are rich in biodiversity and endemic flora. These unique landscapes create a spectacular tourist attraction. The territory is also of great historical and archaeological significance. However, all of this would be flooded if the Tashlyk pumped storage plant expansion project is completed.
Finance and biodiversity
December 7, 2021
A clash is raging between nature and finance. On the one hand, the EU is striving to improve the deteriorating state of nature across Europe, with initiatives like the Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the European Green Deal. On the other, massive amount