Greens call for active efforts by European Commission to ensure an improved EBRD mining strategy
July 12, 2012
The letter by the Green members of the European Parliament calls for active efforts of the EU representative at the European Bank for Reconstructoin and Development to ensure that the bank’s new mining strategy endorses EU principles and standards for resource efficiency, biodiversity protection, poverty eradication, inclusive growth, transparency and public participation in the mining projects the EBRD supports.
EBRD energy lending report: conflicting investments end up contradicting climate science
May 17, 2012
London – Almost half of the 6.7 billion euros lent by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) between 2006-2011 goes to support for fossil fuels, according to a report issued today by CEE Bankwatch Network. Support for coal, oil and gas must be discontinued altogether, argues Bankwatch, if the bank’s commendable efforts on increasing financing for renewables and energy efficiency are to have a positive impact in the global fight against climate change.
Health and safety on the line in ArcelorMittal’s Kazakh operations
May 14, 2012
The EBRD’s development of a new Mining Strategy saw the publication last month of a draft that will now be consulted on. Among the passages in the draft to catch the eye are “Multi-national firms act as demonstrators of best (or at least better) practices in those EBRD countries of operations where EHS&S (Environmental, health, safety and social) legislation is lacking”, and that “investments by major international mining operators in local mining sites in the EBRD’s countries of operations have often led to rapid and significant improvements in the safety of workers, due to safety standards that generally exceed the most stringent local health and safety requirements”.
EBRD maintaining relations with Turkmenistan regime
May 14, 2012
Following the EBRD’s controvesial adoption in 2010 of a ‘calibrated strategic approach’ to guide its activities in the totalitarian state of Turkmenistan, annual discussions between the bank and civil society organisations have been taking place, with the most recent last month.
Expert comment on cutback in production at Kumtor gold mine due to massive flow of ice and waste rock into the mine
April 25, 2012
Centerra Gold’s announcement that the February 2012 ice and waste fall into the Kumtor pit will result in a cutback in gold production indicates that the measures the company has put in place to address the causes of past pit wall failures have been ineffective since those measures were not effective at preventing Davidov ice and waste from falling into the open pit and causing the current production cutback.
Mining in protected areas, an update on Kumtor and Centerra Gold
March 28, 2012
Centerra Gold is being criticised for its activities in protected areas at the Kumtor gold mine and at another project in Mongolia. More lessons to be learnt for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Rare photos of Kumtor mine and environs
March 26, 2012
Energy Security for whom? For what?
February 28, 2012
A new report by The Corner House critically examines the notion of “energy security,” one of the buzzwords in European politics used to justify controversial infrastructure projects like the Nabucco gas pipeline or high voltage transmission lines in Ukraine. Here an introduction to the report from its authors.
Out of left field: A Kyrgyz inspiration for the EBRD
February 23, 2012
Following the publication of one official and one shadow report on the Kumtor gold mine, Kyrgyz authorities have responded to the calls of Bankwatch and other environmental groups to take a tougher stance on the Kumtor mining operations. The EBRD should follow their example.
L’or contre l’eau au Kirghizstan
February 17, 2012
L’entreprise minière Kumtor Gold Mine est aujourd’hui montrée du doigt par deux études sorties consécutivement et qui l’accusent de négligences graves aux conséquences nuisibles pour le reste de la région centrasiatique. Dans un contexte géographique où l’eau constitue un enjeu majeur, le Kirghizstan bénéficie d’un avantage stratégique puisqu’il est placé en amont des autres pays. Si la gestion des ressources hydriques se fait théoriquement en concertation avec les autres partenaires de la région, ces deux rapports montrent que les relations sont conflictuelles.