Kyrgyz lawmakers endorse NGO’s environmental complaints over Kumtor Gold Mine
February 16, 2012
Bishkek – Both the Kyrgyz government and the parliament took on board this week concerns expressed by environmentalists that the Kumtor gold mine operated by Canadian Centerra Gold Corporation poses serious threats to livelihoods and the environment, including causing the melting of two glaciers in the area.
Gold Mine Strike Costing Kyrgyzstan Millions Per Week
February 15, 2012
A week-old strike at Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine is costing Bishkek approximately $380,000 per day, according to the Vechernii Bishkek newspaper. Judging by a brief slowdown last year, the walkout could sharply affect growth forecasts.
Bankwatch input on EBRD country level transition indicators
February 14, 2012
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is revising its country level transition indicators, which help measuring the impacts of the bank’s lending. Bankwatch’s input comments on the EBRD’s current indicators and proposes to include indicators that more concretely could illustrate the EBRD’s impact on the environment and the lives of people in its countries of operation. Specifically, our indicators pertain to aspects of inequality, gender, labour standards, life satisfaction and resource efficiency.
Bankwatch Network: Кумтөрдө табият талкаланууда
February 2, 2012
Эл аралык финансы уюмдарынын ишмердүүлүгүнө байкоо салган, Кошмо штаттарындагы Bankwatch Network аттуу уюм, Борбор Азиядагы алтындын эң ири кени болуп эсептелген Ысык-Көлдүн Барскон деген жеринде алтын казган Канадалык “Центерра Гоулд” компаниясын айлана-чөйрөгө олуттуу зыян келтирип жатканын жаап-жашырууда, деп айыптап чыкты. Уюмдун билдирүүсүндө, “Центерра Гоулд” жергиликтүү дарыя-булактардын суусун химикаттар менен ууландырып, бүтүндөй Борбор Азия аймагынын суу булагы болгон мөнгүлөргө коркунуч келтиргени айтылат.
Earth’s riches, people’s troubles. Mining in Central Asia
January 31, 2012
Two new reports and two videos on the impacts of mining operations in Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia unearth some of the downsides of the mining business in Central Asia.
Kumtor gold facilities, Kyrgyzstan: Comments on water, environmental and related issues
January 31, 2012
This report, authored by hydrogeologist and geochemist Dr. Robert Moran, reveals that Canadian company Centerra Gold, owner and operator of the Kumtor gold mine, has been contaminating local waters and glaciers while hiding evidence of such negative impacts from public oversight.
Kyrgyzstan: Gold Mine Could Exacerbate Central Asian Water Woes—Report
January 31, 2012
Two new studies say that Kumtor, Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine, as well as a major government revenue source, routinely ignores national environmental legislation and restricts access to independent auditors. The mine’s operations could have a far-reaching, detrimental effect on Central Asia’s water supply, one of the reports suggests.
Kumtor gold mine, Kyrgyzstan. Bringing risks to regional water systems
January 31, 2012
The briefing summarises findings of a report, authored by hydrogeologist and geochemist Robert Moran. The report reveals that Canadian company Centerra Gold, owner and operator of the Kumtor Mine, has been contaminating local waters and glaciers while hiding evidence of such negative impacts from public oversight.
Kyrgyzstan: Independent expertise exposes damage done by Kumtor gold exploitation
January 31, 2012
Bishkek — Canadian company Centerra Gold, owner and operator of Kumtor Mine, the largest gold mine in Central Asia managed by a Western company, has been contaminating local waters and glaciers while hiding evidence of such negative impacts from public oversight, reveals a report authored by an independent US-based expert published today by CEE Bankwatch Network (1). Had it operated in its home country Canada, Centerra’s practices would have caused the company serious trouble with the law.
Spirited away – Mongolia’s mining boom and the people that development left behind
January 30, 2012
The report, based on a fact finding mission to the Tavan Tolgoi and Oyu Tolgoi mines in Mongolia, examines the social and environmental impacts of mining in Mongolia. It offers a more in-depth look at the impacts on herders who have been displaced by the mining operations, the local effects of the construction of infrastructure and the mining operations themselves.