Lieber Chinas Spatz als Europas Taube
April 5, 2019
Die Westbalkan-Staaten wollen in die EU. Doch bis es so weit ist, nehmen sie gern Geld aus Peking an. Noch bleiben zwei Monate Zeit, um Bedenken aus dem Weg zu räumen – das kann heikel werden.Source: Lieber Chinas Spatz als Europas Taube
Slovak aspects of the EIB Energy Lending Policy
March 31, 2019
One of the biggest challenges in Slovakia is to ensure systematic support for the development of decentralised, non-fossil and sustainable energy system. The European Investment Bank (EIB) already invested far too much into fossil gas (77 per cent of a
EU parliament reverses course, votes for strong action on climate with future funds for Europe’s needy regions
March 27, 2019
For immediate release. Brussels, Prague – A vote today by the Parliament has excluded fossil fuels from the EUR 320 billion European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Funds for 2021-2027, signalling a clear commitment to the EU’s obligations to reduce greenhouse gases under the Paris Agreement and its net-zero emissions Long Term Strategy.
March 22, 2019
Their plans meet the bare minimum and are riddled with contradictions and other design flaws, it says.
Review of eight national energy and climate plans (NECPs) in central and eastern Europe
March 22, 2019
Web-version of the briefing Our analysis shows that most countries in central and eastern Europe are not committed to an ambitious energy transformation and instead stay as close as possible to business as usual scenarios. Moreover, the development of
Alarmantan izvještaj: Hrvatsku truju termoelektrane iz BiH i Srbije
February 26, 2019
CLIMATE Action Network (CAN), vodeći europski savez više od 150 nevladinih udruga koje se bave borbom protiv klimatskih promjena, promovirao je nedavno u Bruxellesu u suradnji s još nekoliko organizacija zanimljiv izvještaj o utjecaju termoelektrana na ugljen na Zapadnom Balkanu. Alarmantan izvještaj: Hrvatsku truju termoelektrane iz BiH i Srbije
ARCHIVED: Kresna gorge / Struma motorway, Bulgaria
February 25, 2019
The Struma motorway is tragically emblematic of an EU-funded project that has wrought havoc on European biodiversity and the wishes of local communities. In spite of two decades of protest by civil society and citizens, part of the Struma motorway section is planned directly through the Kresna gorge, a Natura 2000 site and Bulgaria’s richest biodiversity hotspot.
EU action on Western Balkans’ chronic coal pollution is a unique opportunity to improve health and productivity
February 19, 2019
Brussels – Sixteen outdated coal power plants in the Western Balkans are a public health and economic liability for the whole of Europe, with people in the EU bearing the majority of the health impacts and costs, according to a new report [1] by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Sandbag, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, CEE Bankwatch Network and Europe Beyond Coal. The European Union (EU) needs to use all of the tools available to improve health, prolong lives, save health costs and increase productivity both in the EU and in the Western Balkan region.
New investigation in Kresna gorge reveals another major breach of law
February 15, 2019
An independent investigation by a Bulgarian TV channel bTV discovered progressing construction works in the Kresna gorge area even though the official procurement procedure is still ongoing.
The EU’s bank downplayed climate risk in granting record loans to Europe’s largest fossil fuel project
February 7, 2019
Brussels – In a complaint lodged today with the European Investment Bank (EIB), civil society groups protest that the bank systematically underestimated the climate footprint of a fossil fuel mega project, the Southern Gas Corridor, which helped justify providing it with major financial support using EU public money.