Implementation of Yerevan’s Green City Action Plan
June 2, 2023
This report assesses the extent to which the actions, targets and objectives set out in Yerevan’s GCAP have been implemented and how this has affected the city’s environmental conditions.
Activists call on EU to better protect nature from energy infrastructure in the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova
March 14, 2023
60 civil society organisations have sent a joint letter to the EU Commissioner for Environment, Virginijus Sinkevičius, calling on the EU to better protect nature during energy infrastructure development under the Energy Community Treaty (1).
The unexplained backtracking of the EBRD and Tbilisi City Hall: why did they keep the contract with a Russian company?
March 13, 2023
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing funding to Tbilisi City Hall to purchase metro cars for the Georgian capital’s metro system from a Russian company, Metrowagonmash. The company is part of Transmashholding, whose shareholders – Russian oligarchs Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev – are closely linked with the Kremlin and its defence industry. Metrowagonmash’s sister company is also reportedly providing engines for Russian warships.
EBRD funds channelled to Kremlin affiliates: Why the purchase of Tbilisi metro cars from a Russian company should not proceed as planned
March 13, 2023
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is providing funding to Tbilisi City Hall to purchase metro cars for the Georgian capital’s metro system from Russian company Metrowagonmash. But Metrowagonmash is not just any Russian company.
Urban public transport reform in Tbilisi
September 29, 2022
The briefing finds that none of Tbilisi’s proposed reforms have been completed, nor are they entirely consistent with the city’s goals, including prioritising pedestrians, enhancing mobility opportunities for the city’s residents and improving air quality.
Tbilisi’s public transport woes and faltering reforms
September 28, 2022
Residents of Georgia’s capital Tbilisi have been struggling with the city’s beleaguered public transport network, air pollution, road congestion and inadequate access to schools and workplaces for years. In the past decade, Tbilisi authorities with the involvement of international financial institutions, set out to improve the situation. Today, despite the availability of funds, most of the old problems persist.
Енергетична угода між Азербайджаном і ЄС надає перевагу енергетиці, ніж правам людини
August 12, 2022
Критики кажуть, що високопосадовці ЄС проігнорували порушення прав людини в Азербайджані
Armenia: NGOs reports show govt. & investors failed to prevent human rights abuses at Amulsar gold mine
August 8, 2022
Amulsar’s costs to human rights and threats to environmental defenders, 4 August 2022
Կանաչ լույս՝ ընդերքօգտագործողների համար. բնապահպանները չեն հաշտվում «Ընդերքի մասին» օրենսգրքում կատարված փոփոխությունների հետ
July 15, 2022
Բնապահպաններն ու իրավապաշտպանները շարունակում են պայքարել «Ընդերքի մասին» օրենսգրքում արդեն կատարված փոփոխությունների դեմ։ Նախագահը վերջերս …
The real cost of hydropower plants in Central Asia and the Caucasus
July 12, 2022
International financial institutions’ support for hydropower in Central Asia and Caucasus is fuel for environmental damage and human rights violations.