The Khada Valley, Georgia
April 8, 2020
The Khada Valley in Georgia brings together exceptional biodiversity, precious cultural and archeological heritage, and mountainous villages which have preserved rich traditions and historical lifestyles. But all of this might vanish if a 23-kilometer road from Georgia to Russia – the Kvesheti-Kobi project – is built.
Armenia breaks international agreement on biodiversity over gold mine funding, alleges complaint
March 30, 2020
Yerevan – The Armenian government has jeopardised three natural sites slated for protection for their unique biodiversity by moving ahead with plans for the USD 426 million Amulsar gold mine, finds a new complaint filed at the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, known as the ‘Bern Convention.’
Возобновляемая энергетика: плюсы и минусы в ракурсе Южного Кавказа
March 5, 2020
Экологические аспекты энергетики и энергосбережения c каждым годом становятся все более актуальными в глобальном масштабе. Согласно Всемирной метеорологической организации, глобальная средняя температура на планете повысилась на 1,1 °C с начала доиндус
Outlook 2020 Georgia
January 21, 2020
Energy developments in Georgia last year saw Kakha Kaladze, the mayor of Tbilisi and an influential member of the ruling Georgian Dream party, throw his support behind the $1bn Nenskra HPP hydropower project, while rejecting accusations related to the
Nenskra: new players, new risks
December 4, 2019
More than a year after Salini Impregilo, a major construction company, mysteriously abandoned the Nenskra hydropower project before construction had even begun, new contractors are now said to have been hired to build Georgia’s biggest and most divisive hydropower project.
Amulsar Update
August 23, 2019
Bankwatch has supported Armenian civil society in monitoring the investments of IFIs in Amulsar gold mine project since 2011. Following the 2018 revolution and government change, Bankwatch commissioned two expert studies by independent sociologists and biodiversity specialists. Learn more on our briefing.
Amulsar gold mine, Armenia
August 16, 2019
Since 2016 the controversial Amulsar gold mine project is being developed by Armenia’s largest foreign investor, an international mining company Lydian, near the touristic spa town of Jermuk.
Ahead of Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank meeting in Luxembourg, over 89 000 petition bank to drop Nenskra dam project in Georgia
July 12, 2019
Luxembourg, Prague, Tbilisi – Representatives from the “Stop Nenskra” campaign [1] showed up in Luxembourg at the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) annual meeting on July 12th and delivered a petition to the international development banks calling them on not to finance the Nenskra hydropower plant project [2] in Svaneti, Georgia.
In Georgia, leaked contract shows Nenskra hydropower project to cost country USD 60 million a year
June 10, 2019
For immediate release. Prague, Tbilisi – A leaked contract between the Georgian government and the company behind the Nenskra hydropower project includes terms that indicate the project will incur massive losses for the state, according to a report broadcast on 8 June by the national television station Rustavi 2 [1].
Complaint to the European Ombudsman regarding the EIB’s non-disclosure of information
May 14, 2019
This complaint is based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the EIB with theEuropean Ombudsman allowing the complainants who are not satisfied with the outcome of the procedure before the European Investment Bank-Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM)