Projects listed here are not anymore actively monitored by Bankwatch. The content on these pages is not up-to-date but may provide relevant background information.

Tuzla 7 lignite power plant, Bosnia and Herzegovina
CANCELLED: The 450 MW Tuzla 7 project has become an iconic example of the clash between Chinese-backed investments and EU standards in the Balkans. The lead contractor was to be the China Gezhouba Group Co. and a financing deal was signed with the China ExIm Bank in November 2017. However, in April 2024, the cancellation of the works contract was reported to have taken place.
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Vlora Industrial and Energy Park, Albania
With limited information available on the project and little opportunities to influence the developments, the local community has perceived the Vlora energy and industry park as a megalomaniac project which poses threat to a local economy dependant on tourism and harms the fragile marine and wetlands ecosystems.
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Ignalina NPP decommissioning, Lithuania
The decommissioning of the old Ignalina nuclear power plant units risks raising economic and social problems for the region where it is located.
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