Western Balkan coal power plants polluted twice as much as those in the EU in 2019
July 12, 2021
The non-compliance of Western Balkan coal power plants with the emission limits enshrined in the Energy Community Treaty is reflected in the region’s high sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and dust emissions. This briefing looks mainly at th
Serbia: key national plan risks cementing coal dependence
June 29, 2021
The Serbian government’s 15-year national Spatial Plan is so keen to stick to business-as-usual it is openly ignoring some of the country’s most pressing issues to justify plans for six new fossil fuel-based power plants. Belgrade also doesn’t appear to care much about what Serbia’s neighbour to the east thinks regarding the implications these disastrous plans would have for them.
Cancellation of Serbia’s Kolubara B coal plant opens space for decarbonisation
May 26, 2021
Earlier this week, Serbian media announced that plans for the new 350 MW Kolubara B coal power plant have been halted. This is a strong demonstration of political will as the Ministry for Mining and Energy seeks to steer the country towards energy transition. Several more courageous moves will be needed to cement this path and make sure no-one is left behind.
How Serbia’s addiction to coal could cloud its future in Europe
November 21, 2020
Source: How Serbia’s addiction to coal could cloud its future in Europe
Environmental NGO files complaint against Bosnia over halted incentives for wind power
September 5, 2019
The environmental NGO Center for Environment, part of the global CEE Bankwatch Network, has filed a complaint to the Energy Community’s secretariat against Bosnia & Herzegovina’s Republika Srpska over its decision to halt incentives for wind farms,
The great coal jobs fraud (2018 UPDATE)
June 28, 2018
This study, an update of our November 2016 analysis, examines the claims and finds that in almost all cases, they are exaggerated. In fact, even the current levels of employment cannot be maintained and some companies such as Elektroprivreda Srbije and
What will it take to make Balkan leaders realise new coal plants are a liability, not a gold mine?
June 16, 2017
Almost all the countries in the Balkan region are planning to build new coal power plants, but there has been virtually no mention of the need for them to comply with new pollution standards.
Planned coal power plants in the Western Balkans versus EU pollution standards
June 14, 2017
The new reference document on Best Available Techniques for Large Combustion Plants (LCP BREF) and its implications for new coal. Available languages: ENG – download pdf BiH – Planirane termoelektrane na ugalj u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana nasuprot stand
Planned coal power in the Balkans will breach new EU pollution standards – analysis
June 14, 2017
Almost none of the new coal power plants planned in the Western Balkans will meet new, stricter EU pollution standards, according to a new analysis by CEE Bankwatch Network, released today.
EPS: What does ‘restructuring’ mean?
May 5, 2017
Serbia’s national electricity company (EPS) – despite its long-standing relationship with the EBRD, and despite Serbia‘s obligation to align its legislation to the EU’s environmental, competition, human rights and climate policies – does not plan to re