Hooked on gas: CEE governments’ climate plans prescribe fossil gas addiction
July 16, 2024
During much of the past 13 months – the longest streak of record-breaking global temperatures – EU governments have been revising their climate strategies. Yet, instead of increasing ambition at a time of a climate emergency, as they have committed to do, policymakers in central and eastern Europe appear keen to sustain their countries’ addiction to fossil gas.
Hooked on gas: Report on the status of national energy and climate plans in central and eastern Europe
June 20, 2024
This publication highlights the need for gas phase-out pathways and identifies shortcomings in the current draft NECPs of eight central and eastern European Member States.
EBRD approves EUR 98.6 loan for disputed fossil gas mega pipeline in North Macedonia
April 25, 2024
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) yesterday approved a EUR 98.6 million loan for a fossil gas pipeline that would allow North Macedonia to increase its gas consumption by three to six times compared to 2021, its highest-consuming year so far. (1)
The Modernisation Fund: An open door for fossil gas in Romania
March 26, 2024
The Modernisation Fund is supposed to channel revenues from the EU’s carbon market into the energy transition in central and eastern Europe. But it’s actually being used to further deepen the region’s dependence on fossil gas.
NGOs request investigation into EBRD loan for North Macedonia mega gas pipeline
March 25, 2024
Environmental watchdogs CEE Bankwatch Network and Eko-svest have today asked the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) redress mechanism to investigate a planned loan for a major new fossil gas pipeline from Greece to North Macedonia.
The great energy trap: An evaluation of the economic viability of replacing coal with gas in large power plants in Bulgaria
March 14, 2024
This report analyses several scenarios for replacing the existing coal capacity at Maritsa East and Bobov Dol with new gas-fired units. It looks at the implications of these projects becoming financially viable, including the investments required, possible state aid, and the electricity costs for households.
Bar’s battle: Montenegrin town rising against LNG project
March 5, 2024
Plans to build a fossil gas import terminal on Montenegro’s coast, with backing from the European Commission, endanger the country’s fossil fuel phaseout. Growing local opposition to the project also underlines poor public participation in the process.
North Macedonia must ditch its unrealistic gas plans and cut to a clean energy future
February 15, 2024
This briefing explains why the international community must not be complicit in creating stranded assets or increased gas lock-in in North Macedonia.
‘It’s like installing a fixed-line telephone’ Why is North Macedonia planning an oversized gas pipeline without any public debate?
February 14, 2024
As the EU reduces its gas consumption, North Macedonia is planning the opposite. Why is it building a large new import pipeline, why has it failed to consult the public, and why are EU banks supporting it?
New study offers reality check on fossil gas in North Macedonia
January 30, 2024
North Macedonia has ever-more-ambitious plans to increase the use of fossil gas. But these were developed before the recent energy crisis. In addition to the climate havoc, import dependence and fossil-fuel lock-in wrought by gas, a new study shows that pipeline construction costs have increased, high household gasification rates are unlikely, and significant household solar, heat pumps or retrofits could be financed instead.