Castilla-La Mancha anuncia que subvencionará estaciones de servicio expendedoras de combustibles fósiles
January 30, 2019
La consejera castellano-manchega de Economía, Empresas y Empleo, Patricia Franco, anunció ayer que su gobierno va a subvencionar el establecimiento de puntos de repostaje de gas en la región (el gas natural es un combustible fósil, cuya extracción, transporte y quema produce emisiones de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero, desencadenantes de cambio climático).
Energy lending at the EBRD: Fossil fuels up, renewables down
December 11, 2017
What’s going on with the Green Economy Transition at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development?
Outrage as British Diplomats Endorse New Coal Plant Abroad, Despite Coal Phase-Out Commitment at Home
September 21, 2016
A British diplomat has come under fire for celebrating Europe’s newest coal plant, in spite of UK government efforts to phase-out coal on home turf. Source: Outrage as British Diplomats Endorse New Coal Plant Abroad, Despite Coal Phase-Out Commitment a
Energy Community countries so rich they can afford to eschew climate action?
March 11, 2015
Planned new coal capacities will result in high additional costs for Energy Community countries. Transforming their energy sectors into efficient, sustainable renewables-based systems is not only possible but a cost-effective way forward.