Organizaţie condusă de un consilier al premierului, atac la Guvern pe tema PNRR
May 27, 2021
Organizaţia „Agen Green”, fondată de consilierul onorific al premierului Cîţu, transmite printr-o scrisoare deschisă semnată de mai multe …
Bankwatch Network Criticizes Bulgaria’s Recovery and Resilience Plan for Lack of Transparency
May 27, 2021
Although the Bulgarian Recovery and Resilience Plan proposes some positive measures for the environment and climate, it also includes …
Планът за възстановяване нямал амбиция за биоразнообразието
May 27, 2021
Страната ни отделя под 1% от бюджета по темата
Guvernul, criticat chiar din anturajul premierului: Organizația condusă de consilierul lui Cîțu acuză Executivul de lipsă de transparență
May 27, 2021
Organizaţia „Agent Green”, fondată de consilierul onorific al premierului Cîţu, transmite printr-o scrisoare deschisă semnată de mai multe …
Zeleně, ale smysluplně. Ekodotace budou celistvější
May 27, 2021
Na zlepšení životního prostředí v Česku šlo v minulém období z EU přes 370 miliard korun. Unie nyní zjednoduší pravidla čerpání. Chce také …
Критики към Плана за възстановяване и устойчивост заради липса на прозрачност и амбиция
May 26, 2021
Рад Манолов, euractiv.bgnnБългарският План за възстановяване и устойчивост предлага някои обнадеждаващи мерки в ползва на околната среда, …
Polska: Jak Krajowy Plan Odbudowy traktuje bioróżnorodność?
May 22, 2021
Dziś (22 maja) obchodzony jest Międzynarodowy Dzień Różnorodności Biologicznej. Działania związane z klimatem są jednym z najważniejszych …
Assessment of Bulgaria’s recovery and resilience plan
May 21, 2021
This briefing provides an overview of Bulgaria’s proposed measures (as of 16 April) for spending funds from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. Although the plan proposes some positive measures for the environment and climate, it also includes i
Assessment of the Czech Republic’s recovery and resilience plan
May 7, 2021
This briefing provides an overview of the Czech Republic’s proposed measures (as of 9 April) for spending funds from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. The Czech recovery plan includes a number of measures supporting the energy efficiency and d
Slovenský plán obnovy je založený na zastaraných klimatických cieľoch, upozorňujú aktivisti
May 6, 2021
Analýza skupiny Bankwatch upozorňuje, že slovenský plán obnovy je založený na zastaraných klimatických cieľoch vyplývajúcich z národného …