EBRD investments in Ukrainian agro-giant MHP under investigation
February 2, 2023
After years of community complaints about the environmental and social damage caused by Ukrainian agro-giant Myronivsky Hliboprodukt (MHP), independent investigators are now looking into the role of international public finance in contributing to those harms. Considering the current food crisis, Ukraine’s important role in the global food supply chain and the prospect of more international investments to prop up Ukraine’s economy, it is time for financiers to learn the lessons of their past mistakes.
Ako pomôcť s obnovou ukrajinského poľnohospodárstva: Poučenie pre banky
December 20, 2022
Prípad agrogiganta, ktorý za peniaze od medzinárodných investorov rozširuje svoju výrobu na ukrajinskom vidieku, ukazuje, prečo musia …
Applying best practices from EU funds to the reconstruction of Ukraine
December 20, 2022
This briefing reviews lessons from EU funds such as cohesion policy funding and the Recovery and Resilience Facility for ensuring Ukraine’s reconstruction is financed in a way that ensures participation and green, sustainable outcomes.
Civil society has the right to have a say in Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction
December 13, 2022
This month, Civil Society Europe and the EEB held the High-Level Conference on RebuildUkraine & Civil Dialogue where civil society came …
Rebuilding a More Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Ukraine
December 8, 2022
Ukraine could use the opportunity offered by post-war recovery to build neighborhoods that are healthier, more sustainable, and more …
Ukraine Invasion Day 265: combat continues. 11,000 children taken by Russia
November 15, 2022
This war of attrition is destroying Ukraine’s military (demilitarization), and is not a war for territory (taking and holding cities at all …
A sustainable future for Ukraine – the new Marshall Plan
November 10, 2022
As Ukraine continues to count its losses, it is up to the European Union to start preparing a plan to help its recovery and make Europe …
Ukraine Reconstruction Platform: nothing to write home about
November 10, 2022
After a hectic start to public discussion about Ukraine’s reconstruction in Lugano, here we are again, trying to come up with some tangible results after the Berlin conference but without success. What is lacking in the conversation on Ukraine’s reconstruction, and how can the countries and partners put their money and attention where their mouth is?
Ukraine reconstruction: why we need electric urban transport investments now
October 25, 2022
A sustainable transport reconstruction in Ukraine’s cities should be a priority not only in long-term post-war recovery plans, but also in urgent support programs.
Why we need to invest in electric urban transport while reconstructing Ukraine
October 25, 2022
On 10 October, Russia started multiple missile strikes on cities across Ukraine – from Kharkiv in the north-east to Lviv located close to the Polish border. Although Ukraine’s cities are still vulnerable to potential damage resulting from Russia’s aggression, there is a clear need for rebuilding critical infrastructure to allow people to move around and help those that have been displaced return home.