Beyond profit: How to reshape the European Green Deal for people’s well-being
March 12, 2024
This searing report by the Citizens’ Observatory on Green Deal Financing analyses key EU funding mechanisms and exposes significant shortcomings in strategic priorities and implementation.
Beyond profit: Launch of report on EU’s green finance challenges
March 12, 2024
Ahead of the upcoming EU elections, uncertainty surrounds the financing of the EU’s climate agenda and the future of flagship initiatives such as the European Green Deal and the NextGenerationEU fund. Despite ambitious intentions, progress on environmental sustainability and economic recovery is failing to improve people’s well-being, according to a new report by the Citizens’ Observatory on Green Deal Financing.
Halfway there but facing a mid-life crisis: why the EU’s recovery fund is failing to deliver
February 21, 2024
The European Commission’s mid-term evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, published today, delivers an overly positive assessment. According to CEE Bankwatch Network, the EU’s landmark fund, which was expected to bring about a ‘green recovery’, still faces numerous implementation challenges.
Lessons from the ground: application of the ‘do no significant harm’ principle under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
December 20, 2023
This briefing outlines the key barriers preventing a more successful application of the ‘do no significant harm’ principle, based on ongoing experience under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and provides recommendations for improvement.
REPowerEU: a closing window for energy democratisation
June 9, 2023
This briefing calls on policymakers to strengthen citizen participation in the energy transition through the ongoing revision of the recovery and resilience plans and drafting of the REPowerEU chapters.
REPowerEU – a new opportunity to finance energy transformation
March 24, 2023
This factsheet shows how the REPowerEU strategy can provide a new opportunity for the EU to move away from fossil fuels and support clean, sustainable energy for its citizens.
Europe cannot be “REPowered” if citizens are not at the centre of the transition
November 4, 2022
The REPowerEU plan aims to protect EU citizens from the heavy consequences of the energy crisis, but such a goal cannot be achieved unless civil society has a voice in the discussions. With this in mind, REPowerEU does not look very promising.
Enviroekonóm o šetrení: Namiesto kúpania sa sprchujte, spálňu vykurujte na menej stupňov
September 21, 2022
Juraj Melichár v relácií Na rovinu s Petrom Hanákom Zdroj: Branislav Wáclav/ …
Will EU cohesion money support energy communities in central and eastern Europe?
September 5, 2022
Without proper funding and the removal of administrative and legal barriers, community energy will remain an unattainable goal.
Comments on the proposal to amend the Recovery and Resilience Facility regulation in the context of REpowerEU
July 20, 2022
The briefing, prepared by CAN Europe and CEE Bankwatch Network and sent to the Members of the European Parliament on 19th July 2022, assesses key components of the European Commission’s proposal to amend the Recovery and Resilience Facility regulation in the context of the REPowerEU plan and proposes recommendations to feed in the legislative process