Question marks abound over EU-Azerbaijan gas tango
February 23, 2017
Ministers, ambassadors and envoys from at least 15 countries, including Maroš Šefčovič, the European Commission’s Vice President for the Energy Union, are gathered today in the Azerbaijani capital to discuss the progress on the Southern Gas Corridor, t
Letter to ADB concerning loan for Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan
December 5, 2016
Ahead of an expected loan decision by the Asian Development Bank for the Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan, non-governmental organisations raised concerns over the human rights situation in the country as well as in Turkey, to where the gas from Shah Deniz will be transported via the Southern Gas Corridor.
Postpone decision on loan for Shah Deniz II gas field in Azerbaijan – letter to the board of the Asian Development Bank
December 5, 2016
Ahead of the Asian Development Bank’s board meeting where a loan to the Shah Deniz gas expansion project in Azerbaijan is to be discussed, a group of NGOs ask the ADB board to postpone a decision and align the ADB to the practice of other IFIs involved in financing the same and related gas projects.
“Shaping the age of gas” – how the EU is locking in a destructive path
December 17, 2015
As efforts to realise a mega gas pipeline along the Southern Gas Corridor intensify, Re:Common’s Elena Gerebizza explains how democratic rights are at stake – and are being trampled on.
Azerbaijan: Sport for Rights coalition condemns sentencing of journalist Khadija Ismayilova
September 1, 2015
The Sport for Rights coalition strongly condemns the sentencing of Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova to a staggering 7.5 years in jail. On 1 September, the Baku Court of Grave Crimes convicted Ismayilova on charges of embezzlement, illegal entrepreneurship, tax evasion, and abuse of office. Ismayilova was acquitted of the charge of inciting someone to attempt suicide. Sport for Rights considers the charges against Ismayilova to be politically motivated and connected to her work as an investigative journalist, particularly her exposure of corruption among the ruling Azerbaijani elite.
Azerbaijan: Sport for Rights coalition condemns sentencing of journalist Khadija Ismayilova
September 1, 2015
Коалиция «Спорт за права» решительно осуждает ошеломляющий приговор азербайджанской журналистке Хадидже Исмайловой, осужденной на 7,5 лет лишения свободы. 1 сентября Бакинский суд по тяжким преступлениям признал Исмайлову виновной по обвинениям в присвоении средств, незаконном предпринимательстве, уклонении от уплаты налогов и злоупотреблении должностными полномочиями. По обвинению в доведении человека до самоубийства Исмайлову оправдали. Коалиция «Спорт за права» считает, что обвинения против Исмайловой политически мотивированы и связаны с ее журналистскими расследованиями, в частности с разоблачениями коррупции среди правящей азербайджанской элиты.
EÚ nepriamo poskytne ruskému Lukoilu miliardovú pôžičku
August 7, 2015
Na rozvoj azerbajdžanského ťažobného poľa dostane ruská spoločnosť pôžičku od Európskej banky pre obnovu a rozvoj, Ázijskej rozvojovej banky a konzorcia bánk. Mimovládkam sa to nepáči.
Guest post: Behind the glitz of oil riches – the shrinking space for democracy in Azerbaijan
July 29, 2015
Last week, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development approved a loan over half a billion dollars for Lukoil’s share in the Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan. In this guest post, rights activist Emma Hughes from Platform reflects on how business as usual resumes after the media attention on Azerbaijan’s human rights abuses has faded.
European funding for a Lukoil gas project in Azerbaijan tramples the EU’s commitment to both climate action and human rights
July 23, 2015
A USD 500 million loan for the share of Russian gas giant Lukoil in a major gas project in Azerbaijan has been approved yesterday by the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Yet, the decision will significantly hinder Europe’s commitments to decarbonise as well as to advance democracy.
Publish What You Pay: ‘Lukoil loan would fundamentally contradict EBRD policies’
July 21, 2015
The Board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a coalition of companies, governments, investors and civil society organisations has unanimously downgraded Azerbaijan to a “candidate country”. Azerbaijan will be suspended from the EITI in April 2016 if it does not comply with a set of requirements that ensure civil society can work freely in the country.