L’Europa dice basta ai finanziamenti agli inceneritori
February 2, 2019
Il Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale, da cui arrivavano i finanziamenti agli inceneritori, sarà invece destinato alla crescita intelligente e all’economia verde. L’Europa dice basta ai finanziamenti agli inceneritori
Ne Davimo Beograd initiative: Decision on contents of waste incinerator study annulled
January 22, 2019
Following a complaint filed by the Ne Davimo Beograd initiative, the Government of Serbia has annulled the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s decision determining the scope and contents of environmental impact assessment for a project to build a wa
Inicijativa: Poništeno rešenje o sadržaju studije za spalionicu otpada u Vinči
January 21, 2019
Vlada Srbije je, nakon žalbe Inicijative Ne davimo Beograd, donela odluku o poništavanju rešenja Ministarstva životne sredine kojim se određuje obim i sadržaj studije o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu projekta izgradnje spalionice u Vinči. Source: I
Belgrade incinerator public private partnership (PPP), Belgrade, Serbia
January 18, 2019
The planned Belgrade waste incinerator, financed by the EBRD, IFC and Austrian Development Bank (OeEB), is incompatible with waste prevention and recycling targets. The European Commission and EIB recognised this, and the EIB therefore refused to finance it. The project also endangers the already precarious livelihoods of up to 12,000 people waste-picking in the city.
NDBGD: Rasprava o spalionici otpada u Vinči iza leđa građana
December 20, 2018
Na internet stranici Gradske uprave Beograda osvanuo je oglas o održavanju javne rasprave o dokumentu kojim se procenjuje uticaj koji bi izgradnja spalionice otpada u Vinči mogla da ima na životnu sredinu, zdravlje i džepove građana i građanki Beograda
RASPRAVA O SPALIONICI OTPADA U VINČI IZA LEĐA GRAĐANA! Ovo im može ugroziti zdravlje, ali i udariti po džepu
December 20, 2018
Šta je tačna svrha javne rasprave ukoliko o njenom održavanju građani ne mogu da saznaju i ukoliko sa njenim sadržajem ne postoji način da se zaista upoznaju, u oglasu nije objašnjeno Source: RASPRAVA O SPALIONICI OTPADA U VINČI IZA LEĐA GRAĐANA! Ovo i
Belgrade incinerator plans raise burning questions
December 19, 2018
The planned Belgrade waste incinerator in Serbia, being considered for financing by the EBRD, EIB and IFC, is incompatible with increasing waste prevention and recycling rates and endangers the already precarious livelihoods of the 12,000 people who currently live from waste-picking in the city. The recently published environmental and social impact assessment for the project fails to resolve either of these issues, as well as numerous others.
Belgrade Solid Waste PPP ESIA
December 18, 2018
Comments and questions in English and Serbian submitted during the public consultation on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.
City of Zagreb still playing with fire
July 18, 2014
Seasoned Bankwatch-watchers may recall our successful four-year campaign to stop the EBRD from financing a waste incinerator just outside Zagreb. Between 2005 and 2008, we supported Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia and local group UZOR to prevent the City of Zagreb from building a huge 385 000 tonnes per year waste incinerator in Resnik on the outskirts of Croatia’s capital.
Another success against Czech incineration, government in blissful ignorance
August 29, 2012
The putting on hold (for now) of another waste incinerator project confirms a negative assessment of the Czech Republic’s performance in waste management. And still, the Czech government fails to grasp that the only properly sustainable way forward is investment in recycling and waste reduction.