Može li Šoštanj biti lekcija BiH i Srbiji?
June 3, 2020
Dugotrajna saga o slovenačkoj elektrani Šoštanj 6 doživjela je dramatičan zaokret prošle sedmice. Slovenski tužitelji podnijeli su tužbe protiv 12 ljudi za pranje novca. U međuvremenu elektrana Šoštanj je ostvarila neto gubitak od 58,5 miliona eura. Mo
Zbog termoelektrane Ugljevik BiH je na drugom mjestu liste zagađivača u Evropi
January 26, 2020
Troškovi liječenja stanovnika Evropske unije uzrokovani otrovnim balkanskim termoelektranama iznose između tri i šest milijardi eura na godišnjem nivo. Source : Zbog termoelektrane Ugljevik BiH je na drugom mjestu liste zagađivača u Evropi
Природозащитници: дори и да строим през Кресна без европари, евроконтрол ще има
January 21, 2020
След като правителството се отказа от европейското финансиране за лот 3.2. за автомагистрала “Струма”, има риск българските граждани да платят два пъти цената на строежа през Кресненското дефиле – веднъж в плащания на строителните фирми и втори път в р
What will it take to make Balkan leaders realise new coal plants are a liability, not a gold mine?
June 16, 2017
Almost all the countries in the Balkan region are planning to build new coal power plants, but there has been virtually no mention of the need for them to comply with new pollution standards.
Bosnia and Herzegovina signs deal for Tuzla 7 coal plant construction – but its economics are shrouded in mystery
May 4, 2016
In spite of an updated construction contract for a new unit at the Tuzla coal-fired power plant, the project’s economic feasibility remains a puzzle with missing pieces.
[Campaign update] Key costs still missing in Montenegro coal power plant debate
March 4, 2016
Tens of questions remain unanswered about costs related to a new unit at the Pljevlja lignite power plant in Montenegro.
Guest post: New report shows that New Kosovo Power Plant would worsen poverty and cripple a fragile economy
January 12, 2016
No-one will ‘freeze to death’ if the planned lignite-fired power plant in Kosovo does not receive support from multilateral development banks, but if it does, low-income households may well end up choosing between electricity and food. How can an institution, whose very mission is to end poverty, justify this project?
Energy Community countries so rich they can afford to eschew climate action?
March 11, 2015
Planned new coal capacities will result in high additional costs for Energy Community countries. Transforming their energy sectors into efficient, sustainable renewables-based systems is not only possible but a cost-effective way forward.
How much will the Macedonian hydropower plant Boskov Most really cost?
December 5, 2014
The total costs of the Boskov Most hydropower plant project in Macedonia will possibly cost more than twice the projected EUR 84 million, considering that many aspects have so far not been studied or remain unresolved.
Sostanj lignite plant: A mistake not to be repeated
December 2, 2014
Ljubljana — A new briefing by Slovenian NGO Focus shows how misguided assessments of future viability and corruption led to TES6 lignite unit costing more than double the estimated amount, bringing annual losses of tens of millions of euros, and creating only a fraction of the number of jobs promised.