Wwf, stop a investimenti ifi nei Balcani
ANSA | June 26, 2013ROMA – I forti investimenti nei combustibili fossili da parte delle istituzioni finanziarie internazionali (Ifi) nei Balcani occidentali stanno ostacolando la conformità di questi paesi ai requisiti per l’adesione all’Ue. E’ quanto si sostiene nel nuovo rapporto “Invest in Haste, Repent at Leisure” (Se investi frettolosamente, poi te ne penti) diffuso oggi da See Change Net, Cee Bankwatch Network e Wwf, che chiedono lo stop degli investimenti pubblici internazionali verso i combustibili fossili.
EIB outlines new energy lending criteria
European Voice | June 26, 2013Controversy remains over whether the bank should fund coal plants.
Une filiale russe de Vinci poursuivie devant la justice
Le Monde | June 24, 2013Lundi 24 juin sera déposée devant le procureur du tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre une demande d’ouverture d’enquête préliminaire sur faits de corruption d’agent public étranger et de recel de trafic d’influence, à l’encontre de la société Vinci Concessions Russie, une filiale du groupe Vinci.
Transparency in Serbia
The Guardian | June 24, 2013In 1999, bombs rained down on Belgrade as Nato forces attempted to topple Slobodan Milosevic’s regime. Amid the chaos of war, Natasa Djereg, a student at the University of Belgrade’s faculty of forestry, founded the Centre for Ecology and Sustainable Development (Cekor) with her professors. “Those were terrible years,” says Djereg, who is now the director of the NGO. “We wanted to start a project that looked to the future.”
Ukrainian ecologists call on EU not to fund new coal plants
EurActiv | June 6, 2013A Ukrainian application for European funding of two new coal plants would cause massive health and environmental damage to local people from nitrogen oxide emissions and other related pollution effects, local environmental campaigners have told EurActiv.
Energie et climat : les dix questions à poser à Connie Hedegaard
Enerzine | June 4, 2013Ce mardi 4 juin, Connie Hedegaard, commissaire européenne en charge du climat, sera auditionnée par les commissions du développement durable et des affaires européennes de l’Assemblée Nationale.
Quand l’Europe finance les delocalisation
Le Canard Enchaine | May 29, 2013available upon request
“Keine öffentlichen Kredite für Klimakiller!”
klimatterer.info | May 28, 2013Die Europäische Investitionsbank soll keine Kredite mehr für den Neubau von Kohlekraftwerken vergeben dürfen. Das fordert Anna Roggenbuck vom CEE Bankwatch Network. Die Organisation mit Sitz im tschechischen Prag beschäftigt sich mit der internationalen Finanzpolitik im Bereich Energie, Verkehr und EU-Erweiterung. Anna Roggenbucks Schwerpunkt ist die Europäische Investitionsbank EIB.
NGOs against European bank’s plan to fund Egypt’s oil drilling project
al bawaba | May 28, 2013They urged the EBRD “to reject the loan, or at least postpone its decision” A group of NGOs have announced their opposition to a proposed loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to fund oil drilling projects in Egypt. The EBRD is expected to decide on Wednesday whether or not it will provide a $40m loan to Kuwait Energy, according to a statement published by a coalition of NGOs including the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights and European groups CEE Bankwatch and Platform.
NGOs oppose European bank’s plan to fund oil drilling in Egypt
The Daily News Egypt | May 28, 2013The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development proposes a $40m loan for Kuwait Energy to drill for oil