Serbia: Cancellation of Serbia’s Kolubara B coal plant opens space for decarbonisation
May 26, 2021
Earlier this week, Serbian media announced that plans for the new 350 MW Kolubara B coal power plant have been halted. This is a strong …
Cancellation of Serbia’s Kolubara B coal plant opens space for decarbonisation
May 26, 2021
Earlier this week, Serbian media announced that plans for the new 350 MW Kolubara B coal power plant have been halted. This is a strong demonstration of political will as the Ministry for Mining and Energy seeks to steer the country towards energy transition. Several more courageous moves will be needed to cement this path and make sure no-one is left behind.
New Bankwatch publication: Eight steps for a just transition in the Western Balkans
May 18, 2021
Based on three years of working on just transition in central and eastern European countries, Bankwatch has put together a set of guidelines which countries in the Western Balkans now embarking on the process can use to launch their own just transition.
Drina dam “groundbreaking” event met by scepticism and protests
May 17, 2021
Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić has today taken part in what was billed as a groundbreaking ceremony for the hotly disputed Buk Bijela dam on the upper part of the river Drina in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The event has been met by opposition from Serbia, Montenegro and BiH, as well as scepticism about the project’s readiness.
Ombudsmanul UE va verifica proiectele de gaziere din Balcanii de Vest
May 13, 2021
Ombudsmanul European va investiga și va evalua sustenabilitatea proiectelor prioritare de infrastructură gazieră din Balcanii de Vest, ca …
EU Ombudsman to probe gas projects in Western Balkans
May 13, 2021
STRASBOURG – The EU Ombudsman will investigate and assess the sustainability of priority gas infrastructure projects in the Western Balkans …
Avokati i Popullit i BE nis hetimin për projektet e gazit në Ballkan
May 12, 2021
Avokati i Popullit i BE-së do të hetojë dhe vlerësojë qëndrueshmërinë e projekteve prioritare të ndërtimit të rrjetit të shpërndarjes së …
EU Ombudsman to Probe Gas Projects in Western Balkans
May 11, 2021
The European Ombudsman will investigate and assess the sustainability of priority gas infrastructure projects in the Western Balkans, …
EU Ombudsman launches probe into assessment of priority gas projects at EU’s doorstep
May 10, 2021
The European Commission’s oversight of the sustainability assessments of priority-labelled gas infrastructure projects in the Western Balkans will be investigated by the European Ombudsman, following a Bankwatch complaint about their climate footprint.
Pathway to Paris: Can the ADB help Uzbekistan reach carbon neutrality?
May 4, 2021
Rather than helping Uzbekistan realize its renewable potential, the Asian Development Bank’s programs there are undermining global climate goals.