Nenskra complaint to the European Investment Bank
June 1, 2018
In our opinion, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has failed to comply with the Standard 7 by not respecting the status of Svans as indigenous peoples. The Bank did not fulfill its environmental and social standards: it ignored the project’s significa
Request to the EBRD’s PCM on the Nenskra hydropower project
May 30, 2018
The conclusions of the EBRD’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) are not guided by detailed field work and focus group research with the affected communities – indigenous Svans, nor are they based on the robust and objective analysis of
How compliant is ADB to its own safeguards policies?
May 18, 2018
A Georgia hydropower project has locals and civil society concerned. One of the banks considering funding the project is ADB, yet a complaint filed with its compliance review panel shows the limitations of its safeguards. The panel recommends a full in
Nenskra hydropower project – May 2018 update
May 10, 2018
The banks have a responsibility to ensure that when they make an investment, they mitigate and avoid situations that put persons at risk. The Nenskra dam in Georgia is one example where the lack of proper environmental and social assessment can potenti
New wave of protests against the Nenskra dam
April 30, 2018
On April 21, around 200 people went on a protest in Chuberi to once again oppose the construction of the Nenskra dam and to demand their indigenous status that grants a higher level of safeguards.
A Recipe for Success: Cookbook on Public Participation
February 13, 2018
Experiences from Visegrad 4 and Eastern Partnership countries
European Bank Gives Go-Ahead to Controversial Georgian Dam
February 5, 2018
A new dam will provide eight percent of Georgia’s electricity, but locals worry about its effect on their land. Now the project has European funding. Source: European Bank Gives Go-Ahead to Controversial Georgian Dam
Talking too much in the marshrutka: how I came to treasure Saventi
January 16, 2018
Rosa Vroom, author of the multimedia hub ‘Sventi is my homeland’, reflects on what makes the region and its people so special
Comments on the Nenskra supplementary environmental and social studies
January 15, 2018
The revised supplementary studies for the Nenskra project fail to properly perform a cost/benefit analysis. It lacks an assessment of the energy efficiency alternatives, the environmental externalities, the opportunity costs and even an economic inte
The weakest link – the EBRD’s energy lending 2010-2016
December 11, 2017
Despite commitments to help address the climate crisis, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development awarded fossil fuel projects EUR 4.05 billion between 2010 and 2016 – more than double its support for renewable energy during the same period.