A call for an open and transparent consultation process over the EIB’s energy policy
June 13, 2012
In this letter, five NGOs and NGO coalitions call on the EIB to undertake consultations according to the best standard as well as to identify and inform a wide range of stakeholders about the revision of the policy.
Private equity and development: a bad joke that’s laughing all the way to the bank
May 14, 2012
For ‘development’ activists used to fighting the excesses of project finance, it’s a bizarre shift. Instead of touting the usual dams and mines, in recent years ‘development’ banks have gone a step further: giving money directly to hedge funds, private equity firms and financial intermediaries, the croupiers of casino capitalism who almost ruined the world economy back in 2007-8 and are well on their way to ruining it properly this time around.
Improve quality of EIB lending before increasing quantity – letter to EIB governors
May 12, 2012
The letter, sent shortly before the European Investment Bank’s annual meeting, calls on EIB governors to improve the EIB’s lending before increasing its capital base as a response to the European crisis. The letter argues that in order to offer a long term solution, EIB backed projects should be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Right now this is not the case.
Infrastructure in the developing world: does it need PPPs?
March 14, 2012
Public-private partnerships have garnered a lot of criticism but continue to be on the agenda of international development banks as a alternative way to finance infrastructure.
Infrastructure in the developing world: does it need PPPs?
March 13, 2012
Bankwatch Mail invited two specialists, Matt Bull of the World Bank’s Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility and David Price of the Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, Queen Mary, University of London, to debate the issue of PPPs in the developing world.
Energy Security for whom? For what?
February 28, 2012
A new report by The Corner House critically examines the notion of “energy security,” one of the buzzwords in European politics used to justify controversial infrastructure projects like the Nabucco gas pipeline or high voltage transmission lines in Ukraine. Here an introduction to the report from its authors.
Oil for nothing: European energy security endangers livelihoods in Nigeria
February 8, 2012
A documentary exposes the practices and disastrous local impacts of oil extraction by European energy companies in Nigeria. Food for thought for ourselves and our political representatives at national and European level.
Video: An EIB holiday
January 3, 2012
Baffled by an EIB loan to a holiday resort in Morocco, our friends from Counter Balance – Challenging the European Investment Bank had a closer look at the kind of development promoted there and came back with this wonderfully illustrative video.
The EIB energy policy revision process
November 30, 2011
During a meeting with civil society organisations in October 2011 the EIB announced it would begin a revision of its energy lending policy in 2012 and solicit public input. This briefing gives a brief overview over the process and the necessary changes in the bank’s energy policy that would help bringing the EIB’s energy lending in line with Europe’s climate targets.
There is a light at the end of the EIB tunnel
October 18, 2011
The European Investment Bank finally invited for a dialogue with civil society organisations. It might be a little ambitious to say that true dialogue happened there, but certainly the NGOs were able to send a couple of strong messages to the EIB Board, and, for a while, it felt like the Board was listening.