Selection criteria for energy communities: a practical checklist
May 31, 2023
This briefing includes a set of practical recommendations for developing successful calls for proposals, including suitable selection criteria that can boost the growth of the community energy movement across central and eastern Europe.
Towards energy democracy: launch of new financing tracker for energy communities in the EU
May 19, 2023
The EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 offers a unique opportunity to use public finances to accelerate the energy transition. But to succeed, this transition must be inclusive, equitable and citizen-centred.
Latvia’s REPowerEU chapters – progress made and necessary investments
May 12, 2023
Most EU countries missed the deadline to submit additional REPowerEU chapters to national recovery and resilience plans on time, including Latvia, where few details about the reasons for the delay have emerged. Here are some ideas on how Latvia can make the best use of EU funds to help decarbonise its energy system and support its citizens.
Hydrogen: the major player in the energy transition
May 10, 2023
In the desire to decarbonise the economy and production, there is one element that resonates above all else: green hydrogen. In order to develop it, the aim is to reproduce the same transport and consumption model as with fossil gas and, for this reason, the European Union, the Spanish state and countries of the Global South have developed their roadmaps to make hydrogen a reality.
The digital and green transitions’ impacts on the Global South
May 4, 2023
The twin transition, green and digital, is being put forward within the European institutions as a central solution to combat the climate emergency. This technology-based transition – renewables, electric vehicles, green hydrogen, digitalisation – requires critical and strategic materials that are spread around the world.
Briefing for the EIB Board on the Budapest Airport expansion project
May 2, 2023
This briefing shows how this EIB-financed project continues to violate the fundamental rights of residents, which are enshrined by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Joint civil society letter: Creating a truly Paris-aligned EIB
May 2, 2023
The Fossil Free EIB coalition wrote a joint letter to the European Investment Bank (EIB) to express its views on the upcoming review of the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap.
‘EU climate bank’ keeps back door open for fossil fuel giants
May 2, 2023
The European Investment Bank (EIB) made history with its decision to stop financing fossil fuel energy from 2022 onwards. By adopting the PATH Framework in October 2021, it seemed the EIB had finally set the conditions requiring its clients to disclose information on their corporate-level emissions, as well as decarbonisation plans. But a year later, it made a U-turn.
Protection of Environmental interests: Green light to be heard!
April 20, 2023
Two seminars for young people and one seminar for educators and local activists were organised, where participants could learn about the existing opportunities of civil engagement and public participation in the decisions made by municipalities, the government of Latvia. They also heard the summary of experiences of environmental organisations on how to influence expenditure of public finances and EU funds in a climate, environment and biodiversity-friendly direction.
Transalpine oil pipeline expansion: REPowerEU funds must not swell the coffers of energy crisis profiteers
April 19, 2023
Using EU funds, the Czech government plans to provide EUR 114 million for the expansion of the Transalpine (TAL) oil pipeline, which links the Italian port of Trieste with refineries in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. The project raises concerns about its compliance with EU legislation as well as its environmental and economic sustainability.