Ukrainian activists taken to court by longstanding EBRD client after sounding the alarm on impacts of planned wood processing factory
April 7, 2020
Activists from the environmental NGO Ecoclub from Rivne, Ukraine are facing defamation charges after they raised warnings about a planned wood processing facility near the city. The group alerted the public to a host of potential negative environmental impacts the facility might have, which has started construction in the village of Horodok, in the Rivne region, in Ukraine’s northwest.
Румъния и „Зелената сделка“
March 2, 2020
Позиционирайки страната срещу „Зелената сделка“ на Европейския съюз (ЕС), румънските политици изглежда са на грешната страна и нямат връзка с икономическата реалност на енергийните пазари, пише за Euractiv Сузана Карп от неправителствената организация
Will Europe’s just transition pilot support locals in Slovakia?
February 20, 2020
A just transition for Slovakia’s Upper Nitra is already underway. But turning plans into projects which can actually bring about this transition will be no easy feat. One of the challenges ahead will be to ensure that there is both enough money invested in the region and a sufficient number of good quality projects–projects that don’t lock in carbon-intensive technologies–that support local people.
Romania’s NECP Fails to Provide Coal Phase-Out Date
February 19, 2020
Romania’s new national energy and climate plan (NECP) is sending incoherent signals regarding the country’s commitment for a just transition away from fossil fuels, states an analysis from the CEE Bankwatch Network. Source : Romania’s NECP Fails to Pro
Frykter for sikkerheten i 90 gamle atomreaktorer
February 14, 2020
I Europa finnes det snart 90 atomreaktorer som er så gamle at de bør sertifiseres på nytt. Bellona er bekymret og krever at Norge tar initiativ til å bedre atomsikkerheten. Source : Frykter for sikkerheten i 90 gamle atomreaktorer
Природозащитници: дори и да строим през Кресна без европари, евроконтрол ще има
January 21, 2020
След като правителството се отказа от европейското финансиране за лот 3.2. за автомагистрала “Струма”, има риск българските граждани да платят два пъти цената на строежа през Кресненското дефиле – веднъж в плащания на строителните фирми и втори път в р
Odejście od węgla albo miliardy przejdą Polsce koło nosa. Czy UE skusi polski rząd pieniędzmi na transformację?
January 14, 2020
Albo Polska ogłosi datę odejścia od węgla, albo nici z pieniędzy na transformację energetyczną – Komisja Europejska przedstawiła dziś projekt “mechanizmu sprawiedliwej transformacji”. Na wart miliardy euro program mogą liczyć kraje, które odchodzą od w
MEEMA Seeks Solutions for Transition to an Energy Sector Based on Clean Energy
January 8, 2020
At the initiative of Greenpeace and Bankwatch, a meeting took place at the headquarters of the Department for Energy with representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA). The objectives of the meeting were to facilit
Estonia is beginning to see the cost of wood pellets. Is North Carolina next?
December 2, 2019
Turning ancient forests into wood pellets is putting the country’s tourism and climate commitments at risk. Estonia is beginning to see the cost of wood pellets. Is North Carolina next?
Court halts expansion of largest coal mine in Romania following Bankwatch appeal
October 25, 2019
A Bucharest court has blocked an expansion of Rosia, the largest coal mine in Romania located in Gorj county, following a legal challenge to the mine’s environmental permit lodged by Bankwatch Romania.