Cop 24: conferenza Onu sul clima alla prese col carbone della Polonia
November 28, 2018
Alla Cop 24 delle Nazioni Unite per la lotta ai cambiamenti climatici che si apre il 3 dicembre a Katowice, in Polonia, l’Europa si presenta come leader delle politiche sul clima. Ma non potrà nascondere il fiume di soldi che dalle sue banche va a fina
EU’s ‘just transition fund’ gesture muddies budget waters
November 15, 2018
Europe’s fossil fuel-dependent regions could benefit from an additional €5 billion under the next EU budget, thanks to a proposal endorsed by the European Parliament. But it could complicate already complex talks with the Council, which is eager to cut
In Central Europe, activists fight for ‘just transition’ away from coal
July 12, 2018
As Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic start phasing out coal, campaigners argue that all actors – including small entrepreneurs, communities and civil society – must be part of the process. Source: In Central Europe, activists fight for ‘just tran
China must walk its EU standards talk
July 6, 2018
The seventh Central and Eastern Europe-China “16+1” summit for heads of state is set to take place this week in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the heels of an EU initiative on screening Foreign Direct Investments in the areas of security and public order. The EU initiative comes amidst concerns of increased foreign direct investments – including Chinese – going into strategic and sensitive sectors in Europe.
Pipeline mired in controversy gets half a billion euros from European development bank
July 4, 2018
Brussels, London, Rome, Prague – Today the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has approved a loan of EUR 500 million for the multi-billion euro Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) [1], in spite of the project failing to conform to the bank’s own policies and the fervent local resistance following the 878-kilometre pipeline where it crosses land in Greece and Albania before arriving onshore in Italy.
Promises for coal jobs in southeastern Europe are dangerously out of touch with reality – new study
June 28, 2018
Prague – Proponents of coal say almost 30,000 jobs will be created or maintained in southeastern Europe if new coal plants are built, while according to new analysis [1] by Bankwatch, over 5,000 jobs will be lost.
The great coal jobs fraud (2018 UPDATE)
June 28, 2018
This study, an update of our November 2016 analysis, examines the claims and finds that in almost all cases, they are exaggerated. In fact, even the current levels of employment cannot be maintained and some companies such as Elektroprivreda Srbije and
Bulgarian authorities, forced to think about Just Transition
June 15, 2018
The closure of the largest underground mine in Bulgaria, Bobov Dol in the southwest of the country, means Bulgarian authorities are finally forced to think about Just Transition.
Project funding could be cut as EU battles to balance books
May 1, 2018
Discovering the Belgian capital by river cruise – many tourists do it each year. A new terminal has been inaugurated at the port of Brussels, designed to handle 35,000 passengers by 2030 and generate an annual turnover of five million euros. Half of th
A Recipe for Success: Cookbook on Public Participation
February 13, 2018
Experiences from Visegrad 4 and Eastern Partnership countries