Film premier: Winstar Wars explores south Tunisia’s gas exploration region
November 20, 2015
Almost 40 years ago Star Wars was filmed in the south of Tunisia. For many this will be the only association with the country. The city of Tataouine – after which the planet Tatooine was named in George Lucas’ film – is not a touristic mecca, though. The capital of the largest region of Tunisia with 100 000 inhabitants has only 3 hotels which stand largely empty.
The EBRD: Fueling the future, or stuck in the past?
November 19, 2015
A closer look at the projects that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has financed in the energy sector in Middle East and North African countries reveals that, despite the bank’s rhetoric about promoting sustainable energy, its balance sheet has fossil fuels all over it.
Niezwykły film o problemach Tataouine, które zasłynęło dzięki „Gwiezdnym wojnom”
November 19, 2015
Ten krótkometrażowy dokument poświęcony problemom tunezyjskiego miasta Tataouine, które zasłynęło dzięki pierwszej części „Gwiezdnych wojen” (podtytuł „Nowa nadzieja” okazuje się dziś bardzo wymowny), będzie można obejrzeć w Warszawie podczas szóstej edycji Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmów Dokumentalnych HumanDOC.
The energy dissonance: How EU development funds fuel climate change while leaders talk decarbonisation
November 17, 2015
EU leaders repeatedly voice commitments to spearhead the global effort to tackle climate change, primarily through long-term decarbonisation targets. But a Bankwatch research into the EU’s development funds for neighbouring regions finds that considerably more European taxpayer money is supporting fossil fuels than facilitating a sustainable energy transition.
Executive summary: European public money for the energy sector in countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy
November 17, 2015
Countries of the European Neighbourhood have received a boost to their energy sectors in the last decade, thanks in part to the prominent role played by the EU as a catalyst of both policy reforms and financing. This paper is the executive summary of an upcoming study that examines EU financing for the energy sector in 16 countries of the European Neighbourhood between 2007 and 2014.
Executive summary: The EU and energy in the Arab countries
November 17, 2015
This briefing (an executive summary of an upcoming report) looks at energy investments by the EU in the Southern Mediterranean region and the impacts on the social, economic and environmental rights of citizens and communities by highlighting the compliance of these activities with the values of democracy, human rights and economic development for Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. It also assesses the type of the investments that would be beneficial both for host countries as well as for the EU.
Tunisia case study: the EU and energy in the Arab countries
November 17, 2015
The European Bank For Reconstruction and Development states that it is “supporting energy efficiency and the development of a sustainable energy sector” and “financing private enterprises, with a focus on SMEs” among its four priorities for Tunisia. In this briefing, the Tunisian Observatory of the Economy (OTE) argues in its assessment of EBRD activities during the period 2012-2014 that it is difficult to find EBRD investments in line with their stated strategy of focusing on SMEs and a sustainable energy sector.
Egypt case study: an EIB loan to the North Giza II power plant
November 17, 2015
The North Giza Power Plant II, 1500 MW natural gas-fired power plant, is one of several large gas power plants that the Egyptian government is developing since 2011 in an effort to cope with the electricity gap. The power plant uses Combined Cycle Gas Turbine technology and the project promoters claim it is energy efficient, eco-friendly and community inclusive. Both the local community and the findings from a field trip strongly dispute these claims.
Infographic: How EU development funds fuel climate change
November 17, 2015
A Bankwatch research into the EU’s development funds for neighbouring regions finds that considerably more European taxpayer money is supporting fossil fuels than facilitating a sustainable energy transition. This infographic belongs to a report presented in November 2015 to the European Parliament. See the report’s excutive summary >>
Jordan’s modern mirage: reporting from the Red Sea – Dead Sea Conveyance project
June 3, 2015
In November 2014 CEE Bankwatch Network visited Jordan to explore issues surrounding the Red Sea – Dead Sea Conveyance project. The aim of the mission was to understand better the problems, concerns and hopes of local communities living along the route of the project, and identify the risks and benefits of the project through interviews with specialists having knowledge of its development.