Panel 3 | Ako odblokovať financie pre zelený prechod Slovenska?
November 28, 2022
Ako môžu vlády, podniky a finančný sektor spolupracovať pri financovaní zelenej transformácie? Sledujte tretiu diskusiu konferencie s …
Ukraine Reconstruction Platform: nothing to write home about
November 10, 2022
After a hectic start to public discussion about Ukraine’s reconstruction in Lugano, here we are again, trying to come up with some tangible results after the Berlin conference but without success. What is lacking in the conversation on Ukraine’s reconstruction, and how can the countries and partners put their money and attention where their mouth is?
Elképesztően fontos probléma a gázszivárgás – figyelmeztetnek a természetvédők
November 6, 2022
A teljes kibocsátáson belül csak 13 százalék a metán aránya, de ez a gáz 86-szor erősebb üvegházhatással bír, mint a szén-dioxid, így …
COP27 | România are obiective ambițioase pentru limitarea încălzirii globale. Ministerul Mediului: Suntem într-un club select
November 6, 2022
… „Atingerea țintelor, chiar dacă sunt stabilite și la nivel național, nu se pot realiza individual”, spune ministrul Mediului, Barna Tánczos …
Energy crunch underlines the urgency of overhauling Romania’s energy plans
November 3, 2022
As delegates are heading to the annual UN climate conference, rising energy costs expose the precarity of relying on fossil gas. The Romanian government should replace its grand plans for new gas infrastructure projects — which it seeks to finance with EU public money – with an acceleration of the sustainable energy transition.
What do the OKKO filling stations employees say about their employer?
November 3, 2022
Petrol filling stations network OKKO, controlled by the Galnaftogaz JSC, is known throughout Ukraine. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) facilitated the expansion of this network having a long history of relations with Concern
Romanian NGOs send open letter to EC President on hydro projects in protected areas in Romania
October 26, 2022
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Hungary risks billions in EU funds if it goes ahead with investments in coal
October 25, 2022
Hungary is one of the countries most dependent on Russian gas and most hit by its skyrocketing prices. The real solution is to invest in …
Why we need to invest in electric urban transport while reconstructing Ukraine
October 25, 2022
On 10 October, Russia started multiple missile strikes on cities across Ukraine – from Kharkiv in the north-east to Lviv located close to the Polish border. Although Ukraine’s cities are still vulnerable to potential damage resulting from Russia’s aggression, there is a clear need for rebuilding critical infrastructure to allow people to move around and help those that have been displaced return home.
Alacsonyan szálló repülők – Valós intézkedéseket várnak a Ferihegyi repülőtér vezetőségétől a helyi lakosok
October 24, 2022
A ferihegyi Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér forgalma – a pandémiás időszak jelentős visszaesésétől eltekintve – teljes, 1950 óta tartó …